1491 results found
Health topics
… with the colon, such as blockage, inflammation, lack of blood supply, or perforation. A partial colectomy is also … sections of the colon. Injury to the bladder, ureters, or blood vessels. Citations Eng C (2011). Colorectal … with the colon, such as blockage, inflammation, lack of blood supply, or perforation. A partial colectomy is also …
Health topics
… that could be related, such as arthritis, diabetes, or poor blood flow (circulation). During the physical examination, … your problem, you may have tests, such as an X-ray , blood flow testing, or nerve testing . How can you care for … that could be related, such as arthritis, diabetes, or poor blood flow (circulation). During the physical examination, …
Health topics
… forcefully, like when a finger gets caught in a drawer. A blood blister may form if tiny blood vessels are damaged. Infection can cause either a … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… include: Legg-Calve-Perthes disease . It affects the blood supply and proper placement of the head of the femur … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … Trouble urinating. Not being able to urinate at all. Blood in your urine. Seek Care Now Based on your answers, …
Health topics
… in the joints and soft tissues in the arm, or to reduced blood flow to the hands. These include obesity, rheumatoid … in the joints and soft tissues in the arm, or reduce the blood flow to the hands. These include obesity, rheumatoid … especially in awkward positions. Smoking. It can affect blood flow to the median nerve in your wrist. Broken wrist …
Health topics
… getting worse. You cough up large amounts of bright red blood. Call your doctor immediately or go to the emergency … diagnosed with COPD and you: Cough up a moderate amount of blood (more than a few tablespoons). Have shortness of … that symptoms are from COPD. You cough up any amount of blood. You feel sad, anxious, or hopeless for more than a …
Health topics
… could get an infection in the area where cuts were made. A blood clot can form and block blood flow in the lung ( pulmonary embolism ). You may not … better. Examples are: Heart disease. Type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure. High cholesterol and triglycerides. Sleep …
Health topics
… of your heart (the ventricles) aren't able to pump as much blood as your body needs. Sometimes, the ventricles also … pump at the same time. This can help the heart pump blood better. The pacemaker connects to three thin wires, … IV. Your ejection fraction. This is a measure of how much blood your left ventricle pumps. A normal ejection fraction …
Health topics
… My Baby? Pregnancy: Should I Bank My Baby's Umbilical Cord Blood? Actionsets are designed to help people take an active … quickly, you can expect some or all of the following: Your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature will be checked. You … as a vitamin K injection, a heel prick for a blood test, and the use of eye medicines—so that you have …
Health topics
… and symptoms and do a physical examination. You may get blood tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms. You … The doctor will listen to your heart and check your blood pressure. You may get blood tests to check for other causes of your symptoms. The …