1491 results found
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… vein system and the veins in the esophagus enlarge to help blood flow through the liver. It also may be used to prevent … vein (varice). Banding the vein in this manner will cut off blood flow through the vein. It may be hard to use this … vein to close off and scar. When the vein is closed off, blood cannot flow through it. Risks Problems caused by …
Health topics
… your first trimester, you'll be weighed and have your blood pressure checked. Your urine may also be checked for … Options include: First-trimester screening. This includes blood tests and a certain type of ultrasound. These tests … these tests. Other tests you may have include tests for blood type, anemia, and HIV . You may be screened for …
Health topics
… The DASH diet is an eating plan that can help lower your blood pressure. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop … 1 cup (250 mL) melon cubes High Blood Pressure: Nutrition Tips High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet Current as of: …
Health topics
… many lymphoblasts. Lymphoblasts are a type of young white blood cell. They usually become mature infection-fighting … grow out of control in the bone marrow, crowding out normal blood-making cells. The leukemia cells can make their way into the blood and travel to other parts of the body. This causes …
Health topics
… week No Abdominal injury within past week Have you vomited blood or what looks like coffee grounds? If there is only a streak or two of blood that you are sure came from your nose or mouth, you are not vomiting blood. Yes Has vomited blood or what looks like coffee …
Health topics
… yellow. Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, and blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown. Some foods … Feeling like you can't completely empty your bladder. Blood in the urine (hematuria). Your urine may look red, brown, or pink. Blood in the urine may occur after intense exercise, such as …
Health topics
… disease is a rare childhood illness that affects the blood vessels. The symptoms can be severe for several days. … disease can harm the coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart muscle. Most children who are treated … Aspirin to help pain and fever and to lower the risk of blood clots. Aspirin therapy is often continued at home. …
Health topics
… relax and contract; important for nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure. Milk and milk products; canned fish with … found Iron Part of a molecule (hemoglobin) found in red blood cells that carries oxygen in the body; needed for …
Health topics
… pain. Headache. Stupor, restlessness, or shock. Severe high blood pressure. What should you do if you think you've been … or movement will increase the flow of venom into the blood. Apply ice to the bite area. Do not apply a … It is usually used if you have trouble breathing, have high blood pressure, or are pregnant. Children and older adults …
Health topics
… frequent urination, and dehydration. It may also cause low blood pressure, confusion, paralysis, and changes in heart rhythm. A blood or urine test can be done to find your potassium … Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of potassium in the blood. Your potassium level can be affected by many things, …