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Health topics
… a sign of cancer. An erection problem. This may occur when blood vessels that supply the penis are injured. You may not … a testicle twists on the spermatic cord and cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. It's a medical emergency. … the foreskin. This is called balanitis. You may notice blood in your semen. This is most often caused by infection …
Health topics
… rectal examination to feel the prostate. You may need blood and urine tests to check which type of prostatitis you … urinary symptoms, such as pain or burning with urination or blood or pus in the urine. These symptoms may point to acute … such as an abscess . Tests may include: Complete blood count (CBC). Lab tests, such as urine and blood
Health topics
… cut through your skin and muscle but also from losing a blood vessel in your arm or leg that would normally circulate blood in the area of the incision. It will take a little … your full lung function. You also need to improve the blood circulation throughout your body. This will help your …
Health topics
… muscle movements near the ear, changes in the ear canal, or blood flow (vascular) problems in the face or neck. You may … may include whiplash or a direct hit to the ear or head. Blood flow problems. These include carotid atherosclerosis , arteriovenous (AV) malformations , and high blood pressure. Nerve problems, such as multiple sclerosis …
Health topics
… to control pain, and you might get medicines to prevent blood clots. It is not unusual to have an upset stomach or … legs. This sleeve squeezes your arm or legs to help prevent blood clots. You may keep taking medicines to prevent blood clots for several weeks after surgery. In the hospital …
Health topics
… fifth disease can suddenly stop the body from producing red blood cells. This is called an aplastic crisis. Get routine … and second-hand smoke reduce the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Exercise safely. Rest when you feel tired. … can cause dehydration and reduced oxygen levels in your blood. This may cause red blood cells to sickle. Children …
Health topics
… those for pain, depression or anxiety , neuropathy, high blood pressure , and high cholesterol Being anemic. Anemia is a low level of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest … are so tired. You may have one or more of the following: Blood tests for anemia and hormone levels Tests to check …
Health topics
… of one or both of the carotid arteries , which supply blood to your brain. These arteries can be narrowed and … plaque buildup ( atherosclerosis ). This plaque may limit blood flow to the brain. If this plaque breaks open, it may form a blood clot. Or pieces of the plaque may break off. A piece …
Health topics
… No Vomiting after coughing spasm Is your baby coughing up blood? Yes Coughing up blood No Coughing up blood Is your child having trouble breathing (more than a …
Health topics
… in families. The most common cause is diabetes. Having your blood sugar too high for too long a time can damage the … Kidney problems. These can lead to toxic substances in the blood that damage nerves. Vitamin deficiencies and alcohol … and nerve conduction tests. You may also have blood tests. These tests will help the doctor find out if …