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Health topics
… acne. When you start your period, you'll notice a spot of blood on your underwear or when you use the toilet. The flow of blood from your vagina is usually light at first and may get heavier for a few days before tapering off. The blood may be a brownish colour at first and then turn …
Health topics
… pancreas, nervous system, heart, and brain. Cause high blood pressure, depression, stomach problems, or sexual … developing baby (fetus). Alcohol can pass into the baby's blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the baby's … such as liver problems, heart failure, uncontrolled high blood pressure, or certain blood disorders. You have a …
Health topics
… change a habit—whether it's quitting smoking, lowering your blood pressure, becoming more active, or doing something … a healthier diet so you can lose weight. If you have high blood pressure, your reason may be clear: to lower your blood pressure. Maybe you smoke and want to save money on …
Health topics
… yellow. Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, and blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown. Some foods … often than usual. Strong or bad-smelling urine. Dark or blood-streaked urine. But note that it's common for newborns … desire to urinate (urgency). Strong or bad-smelling urine. Blood in the urine (hematuria). Urine may look pink, red, or …
Health topics
… Feeling extremely irritable or grumpy. High systolic blood pressure , low diastolic blood pressure , and fast heartbeat. Nausea, vomiting, or … Feeling extremely irritable or grumpy. High systolic blood pressure , low diastolic blood pressure , and fast …
Health topics
… or puncture the digestive tract, causing bleeding. Blood in the vomit can appear bright red or look like coffee grounds (partially digested blood) and usually comes from the stomach, esophagus, or … or puncture the digestive tract, causing bleeding. Blood in the vomit can appear bright red or look like coffee …
Health topics
… A few examples are: Aspirin and other medicines (called blood thinners) that prevent blood clots. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), … A few examples are: Aspirin and other medicines (called blood thinners) that prevent blood clots. Non-steroidal …
Health topics
… to glucose more slowly and don't cause sudden increases in blood sugar. But if you eat too much of them, they can cause … sugar alcohol. Sugar alcohols don't cause sudden spikes in blood sugar. But they do have some effect on it. … to glucose more slowly and don't cause sudden increases in blood sugar. But if you eat too much of them, they can cause …
Health topics
… conditions, including: Gallstones . Type 2 diabetes . High blood pressure . High cholesterol and triglycerides . … Those people are at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and coronary artery … conditions, including: Gallstones . Type 2 diabetes . High blood pressure . High cholesterol and triglycerides . …
Health topics
… a type of cancer that begins in the lymph system in white blood cells called lymphocytes. When these cells become … tissue (biopsy) to diagnose NHL. Also, you will likely get blood or lab tests, or have imaging tests, such as a CT scan … Pain in the belly or back. What Happens With NHL, white blood cells in the lymph system grow out of control. Lymph …