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1491 results found
Health topics
… of an enzyme needed for protein metabolism; helps make red blood cells. Meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits. Folate … enzyme needed for making DNA and new cells, especially red blood cells. Leafy green vegetables and legumes, seeds, … egg yolks; nuts and seeds. Vitamin K Needed for proper blood clotting. Leafy green vegetables (kale, collard …
Health topics
… For example, my doctor says I don't need to check my blood sugar all the time. But I am careful to have my snacks and meals so I don't get low blood sugar and fall down when I stand up. The last thing I … "My vision is nearly gone. It's from years of having high blood sugars. When my sight got really bad, I didn't want to …
Health topics
… have stockings that put pressure on your legs to prevent blood clots. Your nurse may also give you medicines and … after surgery, you'll probably take medicine to prevent blood clots. For several months, you may need the help of a … surgery and recovery period, such as: Bleeding. Infection. Blood clots. Delayed wound healing. Problems with the …
Health topics
… capacity. Sitting also helps: Increase strength. Improve blood circulation. Alleviate constipation. Prevent pneumonia. Prevent blood clots in your legs. Walking You should try to walk … helps: Expand lung capacity. Increase strength. Improve blood circulation. Alleviate constipation. Prevent …
Health topics
… pressure on one spot for long periods of time decreases blood flow to that area. This damages or kills the cells and … avoid tobacco smoke. Smoking dries out the skin and reduces blood supply to the skin. What can you do to treat a … current is used in and near the wound to help tiny blood vessels and new tissue to grow. Negative-pressure …
Health topics
… extra potassium in your diet. Magnesium As with potassium, blood levels of magnesium are typically low with extensive … if any, is safe for you. Alcohol consumption can make high blood pressure worse and cause further damage to the heart. … and achieve a healthy level of protein (albumin) in the blood. In people whose activity is very limited (those who …
Health topics
… Crohn's disease are belly pain and diarrhea (sometimes with blood). Losing weight without trying is another common sign. … Crohn's disease are belly pain and diarrhea (sometimes with blood). Losing weight without trying is another common sign. … parts of the body. This can include in the eyes, liver, blood, and bones. When to Call Call 9-1-1 anytime you think …
Health topics
… that this area is most likely to tear because of a limited blood supply. If you don't treat a badly torn Achilles … begun to swell. You have signs of damage to the nerves or blood vessels. Signs include numbness, tingling, a … Smoking slows healing. This is because it decreases blood supply and delays tissue repair. Self-Care Home …
Health topics
… of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many white blood cells. It is also called chronic myelogenous leukemia. In CML, young white blood cells grow abnormally, and they don't mature or die … as they should. These abnormal cells can crowd out normal blood cells and cause problems. CML usually gets worse …
Health topics
… your doctor will likely do a pelvic examination, a blood test, and an ultrasound. How is an ectopic pregnancy … pregnancy is treated right away to avoid rupture and severe blood loss. Treatment may be medicine or surgery. Rarely, … uterus and feel for growths or tenderness in your belly. A blood test that checks for the level of the pregnancy …