1491 results found
Health topics
… E. coli , and most of them are harmless. But some can cause bloody diarrhea. Some strains of E. coli may also cause … movement. What are the symptoms? You may have symptoms like bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting. … with the blood and kidneys. These people may need blood transfusions or dialysis . Can you prevent it? There are …
Health topics
… Basics What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy that may affect … because the placenta doesn't grow the usual network of blood vessels deep in the uterine wall. This leads to poor … you may be given a medicine (clotting factor), blood transfusion, or platelet transfusion. Problems for the baby …
Health topics
… Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen to all of your cells. But when … But people sometimes get it from having a lot of blood transfusions , certain blood problems, liver disease, …
Health topics
… Information Overview A hemorrhagic stroke develops when a blood vessel (artery) in the brain leaks or bursts … strokes are not as common as strokes caused by a blood clot ( ischemic strokes ). How is a hemorrhagic stroke … To stop the bleeding, you may be given medicine or a transfusion of parts of blood, such as plasma. These are …
Health topics
… with severe jaundice . It happens when a substance in the blood, called bilirubin, builds up to very high levels and … is caused by a high level of bilirubin in a baby's blood. If left untreated, the bilirubin can then spread into … a blood type test so that he or she can quickly get a blood transfusion if it is needed. A blood transfusion may be …
Health topics
… care decisions that are important to many health problems. Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Before Surgery You will have an …
Health topics
… sickle cell disease? Sickle cell disease is a genetic red blood cell disorder. It changes normal, round red blood cells into cells shaped like crescent moons. Sickled … problems as they arise. Some people need regular blood transfusions to lower the risk of stroke and to treat anemia …
Health topics
… is a low number of platelets in the blood. Platelets are the cells that help blood clot. If you don't have enough of them, your blood … Injecting platelets into a vein. This is called platelet transfusion. Taking medicines to stop the body from …
Health topics
… Atrial Fibrillation: Should I Try Electrical Cardioversion? Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Breast Cancer: Should I Have …
Health topics
… disease? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen … a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red blood cells. This is called anemia of chronic disease, or … agents, or ESAs. Severe anemia is treated with a blood transfusion of red blood cells, no matter what the cause is. …