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1491 results found
Health topics
… trained medical and camp staff. They aim to keep children's blood sugar levels within a target range. The staff can … pump, if he or she uses one. Records of your child's blood sugar levels and insulin dosages for the previous … trained medical and camp staff. They aim to keep children's blood sugar levels within a target range. The staff can …
Health topics
… 2 diabetes . High cholesterol and high triglycerides . High blood pressure . Most people who have NAFLD also have one or … The doctor may also do tests. For example, you may have: Blood tests, such as liver function tests. Imaging tests, … 2 diabetes . High cholesterol and high triglycerides . High blood pressure . Most people who have NAFLD also have one or …
Health topics
… from another injury. Ultrasound heat therapy . It improves blood circulation, which may aid the healing process. Deep massage. It helps you increase flexibility and blood circulation in the lower leg. It can also help prevent … from another injury. Ultrasound heat therapy . It improves blood circulation, which may aid the healing process. Deep …
Health topics
… to "drink less." Have a long-term goal, like lowering your blood pressure or losing weight. And set some short-term … Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health High Blood Pressure Current as of: March 22, 2023 Author: … to "drink less." Have a long-term goal, like lowering your blood pressure or losing weight. And set some short-term …
Health topics
… testing and treatment. The doctor may order tests such as blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging tests, like a CT scan … vital signs. These include oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. Non-fatal … testing and treatment. The doctor may order tests such as blood tests, X-rays, and other imaging tests, like a CT scan …
Health topics
… by a region of your brain called the hypothalamus , your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and … signals to the brain that the stomach is filled. Increased blood sugar (glucose), the activity of the hypothalamus, and … by a region of your brain called the hypothalamus , your blood sugar (glucose) level, how empty your stomach and …
Health topics
… and age. He or she will also check your heart, lungs, blood pressure, skin, and hair to look for problems caused by not eating enough. You may also have blood tests or X-rays. Your doctor may ask questions about … cold, with a lower-than-normal body temperature. Low blood pressure. Food rituals People who have anorexia often …
Health topics
… diagnosed? Your doctor can find a molar pregnancy with: A blood test to measure your pregnancy hormones. A pelvic … molar pregnancy. After treatment, you will have regular blood tests to look for signs of trophoblastic disease . These blood tests may be done over the next 6 to 12 months. If you …
Health topics
… small meals. Have swelling in your arm or leg where blood vessels were removed. You have incisions there as well as missing blood vessels that your surgeon used to bypass your coronary … new life is one with bypassed coronary arteries and more blood flowing to your heart. What this means for you is that …
Health topics
… because parts of the scaphoid bone don't have a good blood supply. If your bone does not heal well, you can have … and thumb. Your doctor will also try to find out how well blood is flowing to your hand and if you have any nerve … if part of your bone has died because it did not get enough blood. If you have surgery, you will need to wear a splint …