1491 results found
Health topics
… other athletes or coaches. In sports in which exposure to blood can occur, the risk of spreading HIV is very small. … resistance . This means your body can't control your blood sugar with insulin as well as it should. This … you will get diabetes. You may have more fats in your blood, including cholesterol and triglycerides . This can …
Health topics
… Itching. Bleeding. You may see a small spot of bright red blood on toilet tissue or a few drops in the toilet bowl. The blood from a fissure is separate from the stool. (Very dark, tarry stools or dark red blood mixed with stool may be a sign of a more serious …
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Health topics
Health topics
… of your heart (the ventricles) aren't able to pump as much blood as your body needs. Sometimes the heart has a problem … A pacemaker for heart failure can help the heart pump blood better. Whether a pacemaker for heart failure is right … IV. Your ejection fraction. This is a measure of how much blood your left ventricle pumps. Your heart's electrical …
Health topics
… injuries do not heal properly, problems such as bone, blood, and skin infections can develop. What causes them? … around (immobility). Having a disease that affects how well blood circulates in your body, such as diabetes or … by examining it. In some cases, the doctor may want to do blood tests to check for infection or to see if you're …
Health topics
… X-ray may be done if you are short of breath or coughing. A blood sample, sputum sample, or nasal swab may be done to … to an area experiencing a SARS outbreak. In this case, blood tests may be done to detect substances in your blood ( antibodies ) that form to fight the SARS virus. You …
Health topics
… It's normal for the tattoo to ooze small amounts of blood for up to 24 hours. And it may ooze clear, yellow, or blood-tinged fluid for several days. Problems with tattoos … the swelling severe and rapid? Severe swelling may cut off blood flow and make the area below the tattoo cool or …
Health topics
… Your doctor may recommend it if a fetal ultrasound and blood tests suggest that your chances of having a baby with … intestines, or brain and spine ( neural tube defect ). A blood test (alpha-fetoprotein test) may be done early in … that you could bleed during the test. If this happens, your blood may mix with your baby's blood. This is only a problem …
Health topics
… Individuals should be counselled to monitor their blood pressure if this is a concern. Physical … and various chronic conditions, including stroke and high blood pressure. The handouts are intended to be used by …