1491 results found
Health topics
… of simple prostatectomy include: The possible need for a blood transfusion. Ejaculation of semen into the bladder instead … of simple prostatectomy include: The possible need for a blood transfusion. Ejaculation of semen into the bladder …
Health topics
… who have severe ulcerative colitis may have: More than six bloody stools a day (loose stools). Fever, rapid heartbeat, … An expanded colon (as seen on an X-ray). A need for blood transfusions. Flare-ups can be so severe that they …
Health topics
… . Diverticular bleeding causes a large amount of blood to appear in your stool. What causes it? The reason … against weak spots in the colon. Weak spots are where blood vessels pass through the muscle layer of the bowel … Treatment may include intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, injection of medicines, and in some cases …
Health topics
… Arthritis: Should I Have Shoulder Replacement Surgery? Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Breast Cancer: Should I Have …
Health topics
… Overview Doctors use blood tests and follow guidelines from experts to diagnose … the following criteria: You have symptoms of diabetes and a blood sugar level equal to or greater than 11.1 mmol/L. … trimester of pregnancy, a recent blood loss or a blood transfusion, sickle cell disease, hemodialysis, or …
Health topics
… causing breathing failure and low oxygen levels in the blood. ARDS is life-threatening, because it keeps organs … be caused by many things, including: An infection in the blood (sepsis). This is the most common cause of ARDS. … An infection in the lungs (pneumonia) . Having many blood transfusions. Inhaling vomit. Breathing toxic fumes or …
Health topics
… of urine (urge incontinence). Irritation of the urethra and blood in the urine (though not as much as with TURP). Men who have TUMT don't lose as much blood as men who have TURP. So men who have TUMT have less need for a blood transfusion. They also have less of a problem with …
Health topics
… who has the disease or who died from it. These include blood, urine, saliva, feces, vomit, semen, mucus, and sweat. … Fluids through a vein (IV). Watching oxygen levels and blood pressure. Blood transfusions, if needed. Treating other infections if they …
Health topics
… It is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia (say … jaundice caused by Rh incompatibility may need a blood transfusion . How can you help your baby? If your baby has …
Health topics
… cure hepatitis C. How is it diagnosed during pregnancy? A blood test for hepatitis C is usually done during pregnancy. … (which means you have been exposed), then an HCV RNA blood test is done. This test shows if you're now infected … happens to health care workers. Having had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before 1992. (Since 1992, …