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2074 results found
Health topics
… . Rashes may also occur as a symptom of a more serious disease, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or some … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the … of month) than what you are used to. Rectal bleeding and bloody stools. Bloody or pink urine. Gums that bleed easily …
Health topics
… has been linked with other health problems including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart failure, and … be awake. It also is linked to problems such as: High blood pressure. High blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary … Irregular heart rhythms . Heart failure . Coronary artery disease . Stroke. If you snore but don't have other …
Health topics
… arthritis , diabetes , nerve damage, anemia,  Parkinson's disease , and withdrawal from opioid medications, such as … and are not caused by some other problem. You may have blood tests to rule out other problems that could be causing … rate, breathing, air flow through your nose and mouth, and blood oxygen levels. Although this test is not essential, it …
Health topics
… from things like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. Problems with the sperm. These problems may include … 3 months afterward. (Sperm take this long to grow from germ cells to mature sperm.) Learn more Basal Body Temperature … 3 months afterward. (Sperm take this long to grow from germ cells to mature sperm.) Learn more Basal Body Temperature …
Health topics
… to prevent and control many health problems, such as: Heart disease. High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Some types of cancer. Is … body tells your brain that your stomach is empty and your blood sugar is low. This makes your stomach growl and gives …
Health topics
… encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disease that causes you to feel so ill that you can't do … Tests to rule out other conditions Other tests, such as blood or urine tests, may be done to rule out other … and keep it quiet and dark. Avoid watching TV or using your cell phone, tablet, or computer before bed. Make sure your …
Health topics
… Poor eating habits can increase a child's risk for heart disease , high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes , or high cholesterol later … on a screen. Have your child take breaks from computer, cell phone, and TV use and be active instead. Eat breakfast. …
Health topics
… suppressants shouldn't be used by people who have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, thyroid problems, … You shouldn't use them if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney problems, thyroid problems, …
Health topics
… incontinence is the accidental release of urine. It's not a disease. It's a symptom of a problem with a man's urinary … legs, and feet. Fever, chills, and belly or flank pain . Blood in your urine or burning with urination. A change in … (UTI) or prostatitis is present or whether there is blood or sugar in your urine. Cough test to check for urine …
Health topics
… emotions, learning, and memory. They change how the cells in your brain send and process information. These … harm the brain. They can also damage the liver, kidneys, blood, and bone marrow. Club drugs , like ecstasy (MDMA) and … and nervous system. Cause some cancers. Cause infectious diseases, such as hepatitis or HIV, if you share needles, …