2074 results found
Health topics
… dieting. Intense exercise. Stress. Malnutrition. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes , anemia , congenital heart disease, or thyroid disease. Inherited diseases, such as Turner syndrome . A …
Health topics
… Overview People with diabetes sometimes get very low blood sugar. If they are unconscious, they need glucagon right away. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as a shot or as a … to give them the glucagon shot or nose spray during a low blood sugar emergency. Learn the steps for how to give …
Health topics
… dialysis schedule, you need a sturdy dialysis access where blood can flow in and out of the body. What are the options … It's more likely to get infected or to get narrow and cause blood clots. An arteriovenous (AV) fistula is made by … to last longer than a graft, and it's less likely to cause blood clots and get infected. You have to plan ahead for a …
Health topics
… teaching classmates what diabetes is and what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by … staff informed about how to give diabetes care and manage blood sugar emergencies. A care plan will help you share … and how much insulin to give. When to test your child's blood sugar. Symptoms to watch for. Describe your child's …
Health topics
… cramps, or a persistent, dull ache in your lower back. Blood clots or greyish tissue may pass from the vagina. Some … the cervix is opening (dilating) or if there is tissue or blood in the cervical opening or the vagina. A blood test. This test checks the level of the pregnancy …
Health topics
… medicine called verteporfin (Visudyne) is injected into the bloodstream. The medicine collects in the abnormal blood vessels under the macula. Laser light is then shone … eye, which activates the medicine and causes it to create blood clots that block the abnormal blood vessels. By …
Health topics
… buildings. It can cause tumours, lung cancer, and other diseases. Wood-burning stoves and poorly vented gas ranges. … problems, most commonly in children. It can also cause high blood pressure, brain damage, and stomach and kidney … which can lead to learning problems and low IQ. High blood pressure and increases in heart disease. Anemia . …
Health topics
… with time. An MRI is helpful if your doctor suspects that disease or nerve damage is causing your pain. An MRI may … MRI scan. This means that you have a dye injected into your bloodstream, through an I.V. . The dye makes certain areas … into the MRI scanner. You may have dye injected into a blood vessel. The table will slide into the space that …
Health topics
… on the label. Aspirin and other medicine (called blood thinners ) that prevent blood clots. Antihistamines, decongestants, and medicated … Recurring nosebleeds can also be caused by: Rupture of the blood vessels that are very close to the surface of the …
Health topics
… Overview A ventricular assist device (VAD) helps pump blood from your heart to the rest of your body. It's used when your heart is not able to pump enough blood on its own. The device consists of a pump, tubes that … a heart transplant. Your heart needs long-term help to pump blood. Your heart is healing from an injury or illness and …