2074 results found
Health topics
… of age. Babies with dental problems caused by injury, disease, or a developmental problem should be seen by a … your dental health. If you have active tooth decay or gum disease, your dentist will talk to you about changing your … of age. Babies with dental problems caused by injury, disease, or a developmental problem should be seen by a …
Health topics
… increased breathing rate. If your child has heart disease or was born prematurely, call your doctor at the … get better. Wash your hands often to prevent spreading the disease. Handwashing removes the germs on your hands and … increased breathing rate. If your child has heart disease or was born prematurely, call your doctor at the …
Health topics
… children from knowing that someone in the family has a disease like schizophrenia. But it's important to include … the discussions of the needs of a family member with this disease. If children aren't included, they may develop … children from knowing that someone in the family has a disease like schizophrenia. But it's important to include …
Health topics
… ways to prevent the spread of infections. It helps prevent diseases, such as colds, influenza (flu), and foodborne … diapers. This reduces your risk of catching or spreading diseases such as salmonella or hepatitis A. Cough, sneeze, … ways to prevent the spread of infections. It helps prevent diseases, such as colds, influenza (flu), and foodborne …
Health topics
… you have lung problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or interstitial lung disease. You may take quick, short breaths. Breathing this … you have lung problems like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or interstitial lung disease. You may take …
Health topics
… buprenorphine, and hydromorphone. The drugs in the mother's blood pass through the placenta and enter the baby's bloodstream. They affect the baby in much the same way as … of your baby's vital signs. These include temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. The NICU …
Health topics
… are located near the outer edge of the meniscus have a good blood supply and heal better. Those near the centre don't … But they may include: Infection. Damage to nerves or blood vessels around the knee. Blood clots in the leg. Risks from anesthesia. …
Health topics
… of your heart whenever you can. Try to limit the use of a blood pressure cuff on your affected arm. If you are in the … And stay out of saunas and hot tubs. Heat may increase the blood flow and make swelling worse. Be careful not to … bites. Protect your arm or leg from needle injections—no blood draws or shots, including chemotherapy . If you are in …
Health topics
… bedrest for 3 days or more may raise your risk of getting a blood clot in the legs or lungs. footnote 2 Strict bedrest … try to lie on your side. This is thought to improve blood flow to the uterus and fetus(es). Dehydration can … bedrest for 3 days or more may raise your risk of getting a blood clot in the legs or lungs. footnote 2 Strict bedrest …
Health topics
… flexibility and range of motion. Heat therapy to improve blood circulation in the jaw. Ice therapy to reduce swelling … the body's pain signals. TENS relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, and relieves pain. The effectiveness of … flexibility and range of motion. Heat therapy to improve blood circulation in the jaw. Ice therapy to reduce swelling …