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Health topics
… Cancer Last updated December 9, 2024 Overview Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread.  It can present unique … developing new cancers and health conditions (such as heart disease and osteoporosis). Learn more: Active For Health: …
Health topics
… 2 diabetes and other medicines are not controlling your blood sugar. If you have gestational diabetes, you may need … no insulin, sugar (glucose) in the blood can't enter your cells to be used for energy. This causes the sugar in your … with another person. Sharing puts you at risk of getting diseases that can be transferred through blood, such as HIV …
Health topics
… Overview A tumour marker is a substance released by cancer cells or by normal cells when cancer is in the body. Tumour … that are benign (not cancer) also release tumour markers. Blood tests are the most common way to test for them. But … that are benign (not cancer) also release tumour markers. Blood tests are the most common way to test for them. But …
Health topics
… of two layers: the sensory retina, which contains nerve cells that process visual information and send it to the … which allows you to see shapes but not fine details. Blood vessels (retinal artery and vein) travel along with … which allows you to see shapes but not fine details. Blood vessels (retinal artery and vein) travel along with …
Health topics
… During this break, your brain has time to: Grow and repair cells. Form new pathways for learning, remembering, and … example: You may feel pain more easily. Your risk for heart disease is higher. Your immune system has a harder time … have sleep problems. They also have a higher risk of high blood pressure. Restless legs syndrome. This is a problem …
Health topics
… there are antibodies to the Rh factor in the mother's blood. In this case: A normal (negative) result means that … the mother has not developed antibodies against the fetus's blood. A negative Coombs test indicates that the fetus is … the mother has developed antibodies to the fetal red blood cells and is sensitized . However, a positive Coombs test …
Health topics
… lines the back of the eye , comes off (detaches). The nerve cells in the retina normally detect light entering the eye … of the eye. Fluid buildup may be caused by inflammation or disease in the retina, in the layer just beneath the retina (choroid), in blood vessels, or in tissues in the eye. What are the …
Health topics
… Having a family history means that you have one or more blood relatives with breast or ovarian cancer. They could … BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that normally help control cell growth. But an inherited change, called a mutation, in … trained to help people understand their risks for certain diseases. BRCA gene change BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that …
Health topics
… ultraviolet (UV) light to slow the rapid growth of new skin cells and to decrease inflammation. This is helpful in … , which causes inflammation and the rapid growth of skin cells. There are different types of UV light therapy. … goggles during phototherapy treatments. Other skin diseases getting worse. For example, exposure to UV light …
Health topics
… cases are caused by gallstones or heavy alcohol use . The disease can also be caused by an injury, an infection, or … about your symptoms and past health. You may also have blood tests to see if your levels of certain enzymes are … A complete blood count (CBC) . The number of white blood cells rises during an attack of pancreatitis, sometimes …