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Health topics
… lowers or increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, or blood clots in the veins. Experts don't know for sure if … it. Testosterone can cause your body to make too many red blood cells. This can cause blood clots and other problems. …
Health topics
… strain (how much you feel the exertion in your muscles). Blood pressure If you are in a supervised cardiac rehab program, your blood pressure (BP) will also be monitored in addition to HR … of breath. Recording measurements An exercise diary is an excellent way to keep track of your current aerobic level as …
Health topics
… called complications. This is especially true if your blood sugar levels stay high. Over time, high blood sugar can damage many parts of your body . It can lead … . It can lead to stroke, heart attack, peripheral arterial disease, or heart failure. Erection problems can be an early …
Health topics
… is caused by damage to or changes in the brain. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause. Strokes are the second … a cause that can be treated. For example, you might have blood tests to check your thyroid or to look for an … a phone in each of the main rooms of your house, or carry a cell phone in case you fall and cannot reach a phone. Or, …
Health topics
… (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It helps protect the lungs from diseases such as emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary … only to people who have very low levels of AAT in their blood. It is not clear that this treatment is any better …
Health topics
… with pens or syringes. "Talking" or large-print home blood sugar meters. A large-print meter can help you see your blood sugar result clearly. There are also some "talking" … you can use your hand to judge portion sizes. Computerized blood sugar records. Most home blood sugar meter companies …
Health topics
… If you are not active, you have a higher risk of heart disease (also called coronary artery disease ). It's never … for your heart Being active helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy in many ways. It can: Raise "good" … Help you lose weight or stay at a healthy weight. Lower blood pressure. Control blood sugar. Regular activity might …
Health topics
… in the amount of the substance that carries oxygen in red blood cells ( anemia ). Problems with the heart, such as coronary artery disease or heart failure . Metabolic disorders, such as …
Health topics
… Raynaud's (say "ray-NOHZ") phenomenon occurs when the blood vessels in the hands and feet are extra sensitive and … condition is also called Raynaud's syndrome or Raynaud's disease. What causes it? Often Raynaud's has no known cause. … In the cold, it's normal for the body to narrow the small blood vessels to the skin and to open the blood vessels to …
Health topics
… sound energy has to be strong enough to bend tiny hair cells in the cochlea , a part of the inner ear. The force of loud noise can damage these hair cells. A small amount of damage may have no effect on … But with repeated exposure to noise, more of the hair cells are damaged, causing hearing loss. Noise-induced …