2423 results found
Health topics
… to control pain, and you might get medicines to prevent blood clots. It is not unusual to have an upset stomach or … legs. This sleeve squeezes your arm or legs to help prevent blood clots. You may keep taking medicines to prevent blood … around the shoulder. Some doctors will recommend other types of surgery if possible for younger people and …
Health topics
… checkup starts in the hospital right after birth. The first tests your baby will have are: Apgar scores. This test … eyes appear yellow because of a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellow-brown substance produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. Jaundice should be monitored by your baby's …
Health topics
… are all normal conditions. Gas is made in the stomach and intestines as your body breaks down food into energy. Gas and … intolerance . A person who can't easily digest lactose, a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products, can … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… careful psychiatric monitoring You have a history of low blood flow to vessels that supply the heart, known as … against the law . The legal limit is 2ng of THC per mL of blood. It is a more serious offence to have more than 5ng of THC per mL of blood. Police may administer a saliva test to determine if THC is present in your system. If so, …
Health topics
… A cleft lip may be complete or incomplete . With either type, it may involve one or both sides of the upper lip and … Information Alcohol Effects on a Fetus Birth Defects Testing Cleft Palate Cosmetic Surgery and Procedures Quick … A cleft lip may be complete or incomplete . With either type, it may involve one or both sides of the upper lip and …
Health topics
… cancer that could be useful now? Understand your options. Tests will help your doctor know which treatments might help … and the effect cancer is having on your life. Different types of counselling include family therapy, couples … and the effect cancer is having on your life. Different types of counselling include family therapy, couples …
Health topics
… you questions about the injury. They may ask questions that test your ability to pay attention, learn, remember, and … might be best for you. You may need to try different types of treatment before finding the ones that help you. … might be best for you. You may need to try different types of treatment before finding the ones that help you. …
Health topics
… from the anus (fecal incontinence). Leaking of mucus or blood from the anus (wet anus). Other symptoms may include: … how strongly the anal sphincter contracts. You may need tests to rule out other conditions. For example, you may … from the anus (fecal incontinence). Leaking of mucus or blood from the anus (wet anus). Other symptoms may include: …
Health topics
… depression, a head injury, heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. In some cases, illnesses can cause confusion … can influence how a person performs on a mental status test. And some experts believe that they may affect the risk … depression, a head injury, heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. In some cases, illnesses can cause confusion …
Health topics
… the tumour during the Whipple surgery. Part of the small intestine and other nearby tissues will be removed. The … is removed, you may need to take medicine to regulate your blood sugar. You may also need enzyme supplements to help … is removed, you may need to take medicine to regulate your blood sugar. You may also need enzyme supplements to help …