2423 results found
Health topics
… a doctor to diagnose rosacea. And most of the time medical tests are not needed or used. How is rosacea treated? … acid, brimonidine, or metronidazole. Redness from tiny blood vessels can be treated with lasers and another light … acid, brimonidine, or metronidazole. Redness from tiny blood vessels can be treated with lasers and another light …
Health topics
… cell skin cancer? Squamous cell skin cancer is a common type of skin cancer. It's often caused by too much sun. This … The doctor may take a sample (biopsy) of the growth to test in a lab. A biopsy can confirm whether the growth is … cell skin cancer? Squamous cell skin cancer is a common type of skin cancer. It's often caused by too much sun. This …
Health topics
… history of symptoms, a physical examination, and imaging tests. These are tests that produce various kinds of pictures of your body. Such tests include: X-rays . They can help measure the extent of …
Health topics
… history of symptoms, a physical examination, and imaging tests. These are tests that produce various kinds of pictures of your body. Such tests include: X-rays . They can help measure the extent of …
Health topics
… behaviour more than others. Family therapy is a very active type of therapy, and family members are often given … therapy has been used successfully to treat many different types of families in many different situations, including … be useful before problems begin. Some families seek this type of therapy when they anticipate a major change in their …
Health topics
… support good health can be hard. Learn about prevention, testing and management, as well as how to treat a severe … baby Eczema and food allergy in babies and young children Testing Find out how food allergies are diagnosed and the tests that are available to help: Food allergy testing …
Health topics
… for remaining visual ability Your doctor will do visual tests to find out the quality of your remaining vision, … acuity for both near and distance vision. Visual acuity tests measure the eye's focusing power and your ability to … at symbols of different sizes on an eye chart. These tests will also take into account any refractive error in …
Health topics
… helps to understand the advantages or disadvantages of each type of care. Childbirth classes Childbirth: Labouring in … is possible to have a vaginal birth after a caesarean. This type of birth is called a vagninal birth after caesarian …
Health topics
… where they hear and respond to familiar voices. The fastest learning occurs from ages 2 to 5 years. Speech and … are related to developmental or health issues, such as some types of hearing loss or a family history of speech and … are related to developmental or health issues, such as some types of hearing loss or a family history of speech and …
Health topics
… cancer needs androgens to grow. The main androgen is testosterone. Reducing the level of testosterone can slow … remove the testicles. (This is called an orchiectomy.) Both types of hormone therapy can cause serious side effects. … deprivation therapy (ADT) or androgen suppression therapy. Types of hormone therapy Hormone therapy for prostate cancer …