2423 results found
Health topics
… vaccines or make other health preparations. Think about the type of shape you're in. Most travel, even if you are going … taking a few walks while on a long flight to increase the blood circulation in your legs. (Taking walks is good advice … sparkling clear, it may be contaminated with Giardia intestinalis , the parasite that causes giardiasis . Take …
Health topics
… bowel syndrome, migraines, asthma, and nervous bladder. The type of therapy and how long it lasts depends on what type of problem you have. Both group or one-on-one therapy … bowel syndrome, migraines, asthma, and nervous bladder. The type of therapy and how long it lasts depends on what type …
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care … dysphoric disorder (PMDD) , which is the severe type of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Risk factors for … dysphoric disorder (PMDD) , which is the severe type of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Risk factors for …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Complementary … Sometimes a doctor will do a physical examination, blood tests and, in some cases, a sleep study to help find … Sometimes a doctor will do a physical examination, blood tests and, in some cases, a sleep study to help find …
Health topics
… kinds of vegetarian diets. Lacto-ovo vegetarian. This type of diet includes milk products (such as milk, cheese, … Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less likely to get: High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Prostate cancer. Colon … Have lower cholesterol levels. Are less likely to get: High blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes. Prostate cancer. Colon …
Health topics
… Nicotine (from tobacco) and caffeine cause narrowing of the blood vessels in the hands and feet. When blood vessels are narrowed, less blood flows to these areas. … the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in …
Health topics
… Using a Metered-Dose Inhaler . Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take Action Open/close … and Younger Children Open/close information section Medical Tests Challenge Tests for Asthma Home Lung Function Test Lung Function Tests …
Health topics
… changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your family medical history or your … may have a BRCA gene change, talk with your doctor. Genetic testing can show if you have gene changes that increase your … breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Before you have genetic testing, you may want to see a genetic counsellor. …
Health topics
… more regularly. During this time, you may be asked to do tests that monitor the progress of your pregnancy. Check-ups and tests in the second trimester Second-trimester examinations and tests Prenatal ultrasound (HealthLinkBC File #116) Physical …
Health topics
… With active surveillance, you'll have regular checkups and tests. You won't have treatment unless tests show the cancer is growing. Some people will never … people avoid or delay treatment and its side effects. If test results, including the Gleason score from your prostate …