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185 results found
Health topics
… tell you about it, your first clue may be a bad-smelling green or yellow discharge or blood (epistaxis) from one of … The drainage may be clear at first but then turns yellow, green, or brown. It may smell bad. As the infection gets … tell you about it, your first clue may be a bad-smelling green or yellow discharge or blood (epistaxis) from one of …
Health topics
… skin colour. In a cyanotic spell: The skin may turn red or blue-purple, especially around the lips. In a pallid spell: … skin colour. In a cyanotic spell: The skin may turn red or blue-purple, especially around the lips. In a pallid spell: …
Health topics
… breathing. Gurgling or choking noises. Cold, clammy skin. Blue or purple lips and nails. A limp body. A slow or weak … breathing. Gurgling or choking noises. Cold, clammy skin. Blue or purple lips and nails. A limp body. A slow or weak …
Health topics
… brown, and black are present. Dashes of red, white, and blue add to the mottled appearance. Colour may spread from … brown, and black are present. Dashes of red, white, and blue add to the mottled appearance. Colour may spread from …
Health topics
… child stops breathing. Learn what to do if your child has "blue spells." These may happen if the blood going from the … skin, lips, or fingernails. Tell your child's doctor when a blue spell occurs. Giving medicine Be sure you know how to … child stops breathing. Learn what to do if your child has "blue spells." These may happen if the blood going from the …
Health topics
… pulsating feeling in the belly. A "cold foot" or a black or blue painful toe. This can happen if a blood clot breaks off … throbbing lump in your abdomen. A "cold foot" or a black or blue painful toe for no apparent reason. Call for a doctor … pulsating feeling in the belly. A "cold foot" or a black or blue painful toe. This can happen if a blood clot breaks off …
Health topics
… rice and potatoes Tomatoes Bananas and watermelon Leafy green vegetables Dietary supplements The safest way to … rice and potatoes Tomatoes Bananas and watermelon Leafy green vegetables Dietary supplements The safest way to …
Health topics
… wound, is the skin below the wound (farther down the limb) blue, pale, or cold to the touch and different from the … is not reaching the rest of the arm or leg. Yes Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury No Skin is blue, pale, or cold below an arm or leg injury Can you move …
Health topics
… or leg? Yes Surgery on limb No Surgery on limb Is the limb blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other limb? … instructions you got about how to loosen it. Yes Limb is blue, very pale, or cold and different from other limb. No Limb is blue, very pale, or cold and different from other limb. Is …
Health topics
… this as feeling "depressed," "unhappy," "short-tempered," "blue," or "down in the dumps." If you feel like this most of … this as feeling "depressed," "unhappy," "short-tempered," "blue," or "down in the dumps." If you feel like this most of …