185 results found
Health topics
… fortified orange juice or fortified soy beverage, and greens. Folic acid. Folic acid (or folate) is found in foods … eggs, nuts, beans, raisins, whole grain bread, and leafy green vegetables. Even if you have good eating habits, you … fortified orange juice or fortified soy beverage, and greens. Folic acid. Folic acid (or folate) is found in foods …
Health topics
… or heavy sweating Has there been any blood, yellow or green liquid (bile), or what looks like coffee grounds in the vomit? Sometimes a food (like yellow squash or green peas) can be the reason for the vomit's colour. But unless food is the obvious cause, vomit that is yellow, green, or bloody may be a sign of a serious medical problem. …
Health topics
… sizes, shapes, and colours, including brown, tan, black, blue or blue-grey, pink, white, red, or purple. Some birthmarks … can suggest neurofibromatosis . Mongolian spots are smooth, blue or blue-grey birthmarks that usually are found across …
Health topics
… , 8th ed., vol. 1, pp. 1294–1303. New York: McGraw-Hill. Green AC, McBride P (2014). Squamous cell carcinoma of the … , 8th ed., vol. 1, pp. 1294–1303. New York: McGraw-Hill. Green AC, McBride P (2014). Squamous cell carcinoma of the … , 8th ed., vol. 1, pp. 1294–1303. New York: McGraw-Hill. Green AC, McBride P (2014). Squamous cell carcinoma of the …
Health topics
… folate or folic acid. These include citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified cereals. You have a greater … cereals fortified with folic acid, citrus fruits, and dark green, leafy vegetables. Why is folic acid important during … folate or folic acid. These include citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, and fortified cereals. You have a greater …
Health topics
… Asparagus (raw), 6 spears Beet, Swiss chard, or turnip greens, 1/2 cup (125 mL) Snow or green peas, cooked, ½ cup (125 mL) Spinach, (cooked) 1/2 cup … Asparagus (raw), 6 spears Beet, Swiss chard, or turnip greens, 1/2 cup (125 mL) Snow or green peas, cooked, ½ cup …
Health topics
… is under control and if you need help. The three zones are: Green zone. Green means good. This zone is where you want to be. When you're in the green zone, one or more of these things may be true: You …
Health topics
… that have calcium include certain legumes, certain leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and tofu. Calcium-fortified … include cooked dried beans, peas, and lentils; leafy green vegetables; and iron-fortified grain products. Eating … seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, certain leafy green vegetables, soybean oil, and canola oil. Is a …
Health topics
… especially if it is bringing up mucus (productive). Yellow, green, rust-coloured, or bloody mucus that is coughed up … especially if it is bringing up mucus (productive). Yellow, green, rust-coloured, or bloody mucus that is coughed up …
Health topics
… foods rich in calcium, like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green vegetables. Eat foods rich in vitamin D, like eggs, … foods rich in calcium, like yogurt, cheese, milk, and dark green vegetables. Eat foods rich in vitamin D, like eggs, …