3027 results found
Health topics
… can enter the chambers and less blood is circulated to the body. Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Portions of … and smaller, less effective ventricles result, especially during exercise, when the heart has less time to relax and … can enter the chambers and less blood is circulated to the body. Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Portions of …
Health topics
… problems. Manual therapy Manual therapy (sometimes called bodywork) is a general term for treatment performed mostly … Massage. Pressure is applied to the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Massage can help relax muscles, … rehabilitation, which helps your inner ear respond to changes in your body position. This is helpful if you have …
Health topics
… oxygen in your blood . Without oxygen, cells throughout the body die, and the organs stop working. You can't see, smell, … Fuel-burning heating systems and appliances are used during cold weather, when doors and windows are closed. … can show up later. Be sure to tell your doctor about any changes in vision, coordination, or behaviour that occur in …
Health topics
… an autograft, the surgeon uses tendon tissue from your own body. This can be done safely. Often, part of the patellar … safe, but all surgery has risks. Problems that can happen during or soon after surgery include: Infection. Damage to … an autograft, the surgeon uses tendon tissue from your own body. This can be done safely. Often, part of the patellar …
Health topics
… feel overwhelming. But exercise can be about making small changes in your physical activity. For example, parking your … active as you can as often as you can. But be aware of your body's limits. Set goals that you can reach. If you expect … For example, if you have heart failure, don't exercise during a flare-up. These are basic tips. A slow walk might …
Health topics
… your face, arm, or leg, especially on only one side of your body. Sudden vision changes. Sudden trouble speaking. Sudden confusion or … placed inside a carotid artery. A stent may be inserted during a catheter procedure . In this procedure, a doctor …
Health topics
… your abilities. You can also try scheduling activities during the times of day when you can best handle them. FAQs … to, but if you want to keep doing it, you should try. Make changes as needed. For example, if you no longer feel … then memantine for several years with good results. But his body is no longer responding to the medicines. He is …
Health topics
… deficiency . This is a rare condition in which your body may not be able to make enough of a protein (alpha-1 … may have trouble talking in full sentences or breathing during activity. Severe chest pain occurs, or chest pain is … gas test . X-rays or ECGs . Tell your doctor about any changes in your symptoms and whether you have had any …
Health topics
… exhaustion. In hot weather, drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after activity. For longer exercise periods, … cautious. Remind children to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after activity. When it's hot and humid out, … routine. Go for a bike ride. Find shaded areas, and ride during cooler times of day. Go swimming on hot days. This is …
Health topics
… BPS? Some doctors think BPS may be caused by abnormal changes in the lining of the bladder. But the cause isn't … you urinate. Other symptoms of BPS include: Urinating often during the day and night. Feeling pressure, discomfort, and … BPS? Some doctors think BPS may be caused by abnormal changes in the lining of the bladder. But the cause isn't …