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Health topics
… foods, and it is also produced as a waste product by the body. It exits the body through the urine. Too much oxalate may cause kidney … foods, and it is also produced as a waste product by the body. It exits the body through the urine. Too much oxalate …
Health topics
… aren't getting worse. And you try making these small changes to your lifestyle to control your symptoms: Don't … to urinate. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They make your body try to get rid of water and can make you urinate more … times a night, I would get more rest and have more energy during the day. Jake, age 61 When I started having problems …
Health topics
… with your pacemaker. Certain welding equipment. Electronic body-fat scales. Devices to be cautious around Keep your … infection near your device. Signs of an infection include: Changes in the skin around your device, such as swelling, … with your pacemaker. Certain welding equipment. Electronic body-fat scales. Devices to be cautious around Keep your …
Health topics
… types of teeth whitening. Bleaching. Bleaching your teeth changes the colour of the tooth enamel and removes both … types of teeth whitening. Bleaching. Bleaching your teeth changes the colour of the tooth enamel and removes both …
Health topics
… Blood tests. How is gastroparesis treated? You can make changes to your lifestyle to help relieve your symptoms of … lead to high and low blood sugars. If you need help making changes to your diet, ask your doctor or a dietitian for … as metoclopramide (for example, Reglan) or erythromycin. Changes to diet and medicines help most people who have …
Health topics
… vision examination after about 6 months to check for vision changes. You may need glasses or contact lenses (or a new prescription) to correct the changes. The scleral buckle can affect the eye muscles and … vision examination after about 6 months to check for vision changes. You may need glasses or contact lenses (or a new …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, … a spiritual practice, based on the idea that the mind and body are one. But today, more people practice yoga for … related to cancer and cancer treatment. Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, …
Health topics
… daddy the ball." By 18 months, know the names of people, body parts, and objects. Use gestures, such as pointing. … (24 months to 36 months): Know the name of at least seven body parts. Increase their understanding of object names. … gestures and facial expressions. Usually can name some body parts (such as arms and legs), favourite toys, and …