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Health topics
… that do not involve the spine, such as tumours or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica … that do not involve the spine, such as tumours or pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of sciatica …
Health topics
… and the muscles surrounding the lenses weaken. Both these changes decrease your ability to focus, especially on near objects. The changes take place gradually, though it may seem like it … and the muscles surrounding the lenses weaken. Both these changes decrease your ability to focus, especially on near …
Health topics
… growths caused by a virus. Warts can grow anywhere on the body. There are different kinds. For example, common warts … by touching the wart and then touching another part of your body. You can infect another person by sharing towels, … . HPV infects the top layer of skin. It usually enters the body in an area of broken skin. The virus causes the top …
Health topics
… to keep your child resting quietly. Resting will help the body fight the infection. Caring for your child Give your … child's ear for pain. Encourage rest. Resting will help the body fight the infection. Arrange for quiet play activities. … ear infections or when fluid stays behind the eardrum. During the surgery, the doctor makes a hole in the eardrum …
Health topics
… as arthritis, diabetes, or poor blood flow (circulation). During the physical examination, your doctor will look at … as arthritis, diabetes, or poor blood flow (circulation). During the physical examination, your doctor will look at …
Health topics
… leaves the stomach to the opening where feces leave the body (anus). The bowel helps to process food, absorb … creates an opening, called a stoma, on the outside of the body for the stool, or feces, to pass through into a … cancer that has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body, bowel resection is often done to remove tumours that …
Health topics
… your approach. It's best to make one or two small changes at a time. Maybe you'd like to find a new healthy … your approach. It's best to make one or two small changes at a time. Maybe you'd like to find a new healthy …
Health topics
… The doctor will take out the balloon and catheter from your body. The stent will stay in your artery. After time, the … for 1 or 2 days after the procedure. How It Is Done During carotid artery stenting, a small, expandable tube … The doctor will take out the balloon and catheter from your body. The stent will stay in your artery. After time, the …
Health topics
… all your favourite recipes to eat healthier. Several small changes to your current recipes can often greatly lower the saturated fat and sodium in your diet. These small changes can make a big difference in the amount of fat and … enjoy them. Here are some ideas for making heart-healthy changes in your recipes. Recipe modifications Instead of: …