3027 results found
Health topics
… Age-related hearing loss can also be caused by age-related changes that may affect the eardrum or the bones of the … cannot hear well. Without knowing it, you may make small changes over time—turning up the TV volume, standing closer … At some point, the loss may become so severe that these changes no longer work. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor …
Health topics
… abruptly, choose a time when you don't expect other major changes in your or your baby's life and when you have extra … wrapped around your baby's neck and cause choking. Make changes in the baby's routine, especially the rituals that … has changed from sleeping through the night to waking up during the night hungry. Your baby develops dental cavities …
Health topics
… to erection problems. Give yourself time to adjust to changes. It is okay if sex is not a priority for a while. … to erection problems. Give yourself time to adjust to changes. It is okay if sex is not a priority for a while. …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… Yoga to Relax Actionset Overview Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, … a spiritual practice, based on the idea that the mind and body are one. But today, more people practice yoga for … is something you use to support different parts of your body in a yoga pose. You can buy yoga props, such as blocks …
Health topics
… Exercise-induced asthma is an asthma attack that happens during or after exercise. It's also called exercise-induced … you have an asthma attack, airflow to the lungs is reduced. During an attack, you may feel short of breath. Your chest … agree that it's hard to diagnose exercise-induced asthma during a regular physical examination. That means it often …
Health topics
… UV therapy is used with other psoriasis medicines. During phototherapy, you may stand in a booth that contains … such as protecting your eyes by wearing UV-blocking goggles during treatments. What To Expect After treatment, the skin … eye problems. Protect your eyes with UV-blocking goggles during phototherapy treatments. Other skin diseases getting …
Health topics
… For an adult or an older child who has reached puberty (body hair or breast development): Call 9-1-1 or other … so they do not touch the chest. Positioning your arms and body for doing chest compressions: Straighten your arms, … over your hands. Press down in a steady rhythm, using your body weight. The force from each thrust should go straight …