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3027 results found
Health topics
… hernia ). What happens in surgery for an umbilical hernia? During the surgery, the doctor makes a small cut, or … hernia ). What happens in surgery for an umbilical hernia? During the surgery, the doctor makes a small cut, or … hernia ). What happens in surgery for an umbilical hernia? During the surgery, the doctor makes a small cut, or …
Health topics
… Have surgery now Have surgery now You may be asleep during the operation. Or the doctor may keep you awake and … see Wait and see You will get regular checkups to watch for changes. You don't have the risks of surgery. A rare but … in the hospital. You will get regular checkups to watch for changes. What are the benefits? Surgery prevents the rare …
Health topics
Health topics
… rapid swelling. Bruising of the skin. Trouble breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. A metallic, rubbery, or … rapid swelling. Bruising of the skin. Trouble breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. A metallic, rubbery, or …
Health topics
… Discoloration of the skin. Difficult or rapid breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. Metallic, rubbery, or minty … Discoloration of the skin. Difficult or rapid breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. Metallic, rubbery, or minty …
Health topics
… protects against viruses that cause the "flu." The virus changes every year, which means there's a new flu shot every …
Health topics
… size for newborns. As your baby starts to take more formula during a feeding, you will likely want to have bigger 240 mL … size for newborns. As your baby starts to take more formula during a feeding, you will likely want to have bigger 240 mL …
Health topics
… prostate cancer that has come back after radiation therapy. During this treatment, very thin needles, or probes, are put … prostate cancer that has come back after radiation therapy. During this treatment, very thin needles, or probes, are put …
Health topics
… to reduce stress. Give yourself time to adjust to change. Changes in your job, family, relationships, home life, and … to reduce stress. Give yourself time to adjust to change. Changes in your job, family, relationships, home life, and …