3027 results found
Health topics
… tests in the second trimester Last updated August 10, 2013 During your second trimester, you’ll see your doctor or … for gestational diabetes, which can be caused by hormonal changes Most women’s blood sugar levels can be controlled by … growth of your baby Some women develop depression during pregnancy while a small number will develop an anxiety or …
Health topics
… is common for most women. Discharge may be more noticeable during the middle of the menstrual cycle ( ovulation ). Some … burning, or redness. Varies with age, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and use of birth control pills. A change in your … amount of a watery discharge caused by high hormone levels during the teen years or by taking birth control pills. …
Health topics
… Hemochromatosis happens when too much iron builds up in the body. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of … of extra iron through blood from their menstrual cycles and during pregnancy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms often don't …
Health topics
… will have a minor neck problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually don't cause problems. But sometimes … or injury. Neck problems and injuries most often occur during sports or recreation activities, work-related tasks, … may include: A severe headache. A stiff neck. Mental changes, such as feeling confused or much less alert. …
Health topics
… very painful, cluster headaches don't cause long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to reduce how often you have … at the same time every day. Don't take naps. Increases in body temperature. This can happen when you exercise, take a … at the same time every day. Don't take naps. Increases in body temperature. This can happen when you exercise, take a …
Health topics
… a time of rapid growth in height and weight and of physical changes throughout the body. Most of these changes happen near the time of puberty … and then the chin area. The amount of body fat increases during puberty. It's common to develop breast tissue during …
Health topics
… may ask you about such things as: Feelings of sadness. Any changes in your interest in everyday activities, your hunger … sleep. Any thoughts of self-harm or suicide. What happens during screening? You may be asked to fill out a form about … Lost interest in activities that used to be fun. Changes in appetite. Weight gain or loss. Sleeping more or …
Health topics
… Birth control (also called contraception) can help prevent pregnancy. There are many types of birth control available. … Internal and external condoms can help prevent sexual and body fluids from being exchanged during sex. They do not protect against sexually transmitted …
Health topics
… to the heart tissue. Then the catheter is removed from your body. Most people spend the night in the hospital, just to … checked and to make sure you don't have any problems. During and soon after the procedure. Problems can happen … afraid of surgery and of having something mechanical in my body. I don't want to get a pacemaker. James, age 83 What …
Health topics
… a dog or cat. Take a warm bath or shower. Taste: Nourishing body and soul. Make yourself a non-alcoholic drink (like … a dog or cat. Take a warm bath or shower. Taste: Nourishing body and soul. Make yourself a non-alcoholic drink (like …