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Health topics
… repaired depends on the type of the tear . Radial tears sometimes can be repaired, depending on where they are located. … tools through small cuts (incisions) in your knee. Sometimes a larger incision is also needed. The surgeon repairs … and depends on many things. But here are some typical times for returning to activities. Time needed to return to …
Health topics
… yellowish green. They usually heal within 2 to 4 weeks. Sometimes the area of the bruise spreads down the body in the direction of gravity. A bruise on a leg usually … They will go away on their own. Home treatment may speed healing and relieve the swelling and soreness from bruises …
Health topics
… doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. Sometimes an anal fissure may be a painless wound that won't … 10 centimetres (3 to 4 inches) of warm water (sitz bath) 3 times a day and after bowel movements. The warm water helps … doctor if you have any bleeding with a bowel movement. Sometimes an anal fissure may be a painless wound that won't …
Health topics
… What to Expect Treatment Overview Sometimes your digestive system isn't able to process foods. … medical treatments. TPN lets your intestines rest during healing. You can have TPN for days, weeks, or as long as needed. When your body is able to digest food, your doctor will stop giving …
Health topics
… Training Ayurveda Beta-Sitosterol Plant Extract Biofeedback Bodywork Calming Your Mind With Mindfulness-Based Stress … Ginkgo Biloba Glucosamine and Chondroitin Guided Imagery Healing Through Humour Healing Touch High-Protein Foods for … Medical Cannabis Meditation Melatonin Milk Thistle Mind-Body Wellness Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Multiple …
Health topics
… process. Guided imagery is based on the concept that your body and mind are connected. Using all of your senses, your body seems to respond as though what you are imagining is … such as a beach or a garden. This relaxed state may aid healing, learning, creativity, and performance. It may help …
Health topics
… therapy is the use of music to gain physical and emotional healing and wellness. A trained and certified music … people express themselves, find new memories, and calm the body and mind through its rhythm, order, and predictability. Music therapy is sometimes combined with movement therapies, such as dance. Music …
Health topics
… may examine the baby and the placenta. An autopsy is sometimes done, if the parents want it, to find the cause of … try to get pregnant again. It depends on how quickly your body heals and on what was done to help deliver the baby. … try to get pregnant again. It depends on how quickly your body heals and on what was done to help deliver the baby. …
Health topics
… passage or hole that has formed between: Two organs in your body. An organ in your body and your skin. A fistula that has formed in the wall of … tissue breakdown, a fistula opens up. A vaginal fistula sometimes happens after: Surgery of the back wall of the vagina, …
Health topics
… and Tests Testing For Birth Defects Health and Nutrition Body Changes Baby Development Emotions and Relationships … and your baby. Everything healthy that you do for your body helps your growing baby. Rest when you need it, eat … tired that you can barely keep your head up. But at other times, you may have trouble sleeping. Many women feel …