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Health topics
… causes it? Often Raynaud's has no known cause. (This is sometimes called primary Raynaud's.) Raynaud's may be a symptom … is exposure to cold. In the cold, it's normal for the body to narrow the small blood vessels to the skin and to open the blood vessels to the inside parts of the body to keep the body warm. But with Raynaud's, the body
Health topics
… with small objects. Nose rings and metal studs from nose piercings can also cause nose problems. A piece of glass may … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … The nostrils flare or the belly moves in and out at times when the child breathes. Mild trouble breathing means: …
Health topics
… injury that caused pain or swelling. Most of the time our body movements don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, … to your joints ( sprains ). If a sprain doesn't seem to be healing, you may have a condition called osteochondritis …
Health topics
… will probably use the sling for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes a figure-8 strap is used instead of a sling. You can … will probably use the sling for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Sometimes a figure-8 strap is used instead of a sling. You can …
Health topics
… surgery, your activities will be restricted to ensure healing. During this time, don't lift more than 4.5 kg (10 … be more emotional than physical. You may worry about your body image or your ability to have sex. Or maybe you're … be more emotional than physical. You may worry about your body image or your ability to have sex. Or maybe you're …
Health topics
… can relieve toothache, stop infection, and promote healing. What To Expect After a root canal, your lips and … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people may be at more risk when … the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body. Because of this, some people may be at more risk when …
Health topics
… cancer means that cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Recurrent breast cancer means that cancer has come … back in or near the original site or in another part of the body. This may happen from a few months to many years after … just in your body, but also in your mind and spirit. Sometimes hospice palliative care is combined with curative …
Health topics
… may not be able to move a part or all of one side of the body ( paralysis ). Dimness, blurring, double vision, or … The pain that comes with a headache can be a throbbing or a piercing pain, such as with a migraine . Or it can be severe … care. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services now. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that …