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Health topics
Health topics
… irritated skin. When you have an ostomy, urine leaves your body through the stoma instead of the urethra. Since there … you aren't able to control when urine passes out of your body. An odour-proof plastic pouch (ostomy pouch) surrounds … In a two-piece system, the pouch and barrier (sometimes called a flange or wafer) are separate. The pouch …
Health topics
… quit? Nicotine is addictive. Quitting is hard because your body depends on the nicotine in tobacco. It's also hard to … tension, especially after arguments or during stressful times or when you feel angry, depressed, or upset. To … a great time to take the first step to quit smoking. Your body will thank you in just a few hours. Learn more Smoking: …
Health topics
… fitness Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart … you should work on strengthening your muscles at least 2 times a week. Focus on the large muscle groups in your arms, legs, back, chest, and core. Do exercises using your body weight , like push-ups and leg lifts. Use stretchable …
Health topics
… problem that causes intense itching and a raised rash. Sometimes the rash develops blisters and crusts. It is often … You may also be asked about your family health history. Sometimes a skin biopsy or allergy testing is recommended. How … to years. It is common for the rash to get infected at times. Most children outgrow it. But some teens and adults …
Health topics
… and usually eases symptoms. Prevention Nursing moms sometimes get mastitis when bacteria enter the breast through a … for a breast abscess includes: Draining the abscess. Healing can take 5 to 7 days. Antibiotics that you take by … for a breast abscess includes: Draining the abscess. Healing can take 5 to 7 days. Antibiotics that you take by …
Health topics
… Dark, black, or bloody stools. Low or unstable body temperature. Chills and fever. Fast heartbeat and … the intestine can heal. (With an ostomy, stool leaves the body through an opening in the belly and collects in a bag.) … done to close the ostomy so that stool can pass through the body normally again. After treatment, your baby will be …
Health topics
… spine). Signs may include: Being unable to move part of the body. Severe back or neck pain. Weakness, tingling, or … tiny needles into your skin at certain points on the body. Treatment if back pain is severe or lasts a long time … pain. Don't smoke. Smoking decreases blood flow and slows healing. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor. …