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Health topics
… You may still need to wear glasses or contact lenses sometimes, because the surgery does not always give 20/20 vision … the cornea is reshaped. The layer grows back during the healing process. LASEK and epi-LASIK loosen the top layer of … the cornea is reshaped. The layer grows back during the healing process. LASEK and epi-LASIK loosen the top layer of …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview A fever is the body's normal and healthy reaction to infection and other illnesses, both minor and serious. Fevers help the body fight infection. A fever is a symptom, not a disease. … enough fluids Is your baby having trouble breathing ? Sometimes babies may have trouble breathing because of a stuffy …
Health topics
… or treated until too late, it can spread throughout the body and may be fatal. Skin cancer often appears on the … or treated until too late, it can spread throughout the body and may be fatal. Skin cancer often appears on the …
Health topics
… elbow less likely to occur. Although physical abuse is sometimes the cause of this injury, most often a parent, … Your child may keep the arm dangling down the side of their body. Sometimes the dangling arm turns slightly inward … Your child may keep the arm dangling down the side of their body. Sometimes the dangling arm turns slightly inward …
Health topics
… will have a minor back problem at one time or another. Our body movements usually don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms can develop from everyday wear and tear, … to keep doing your regular activities while your back is healing. Avoid heavy lifting and activities that seem to …
Health topics
… ). You are an active person. Your knee has a good chance of healing with surgery. Compare your options Compare Compare … have decreased. My doctor thinks that my meniscus may be healing on its own. I'm still seeing my doctor, though, and … ). You are an active person. Your knee has a good chance of healing with surgery. 2. Compare your options   Have surgery …
Health topics
… ( prickly heat ) is a red or pink rash usually found on body areas covered by clothing. It can develop when the … ( prickly heat ) is a red or pink rash usually found on body areas covered by clothing. It can develop when the …
Health topics
… of sound, decreased hearing, and mild discomfort. The body usually reabsorbs fluid behind the eardrum within 3 … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … care. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services now. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that …
Health topics
… and cause severe pain. How are they treated? You can sometimes care for a boil at home. Do not squeeze, scratch, … warm, wet cloths on the boil for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Do this as soon as you notice a boil. The heat … This is because the bacteria that usually cause boils sometimes live inside the nose and then spread to other areas, …
Health topics
… include: Pain, discomfort, swelling, or itching. Slow-healing sores. Brownish discolouration or darkening of the … include: Pain, discomfort, swelling, or itching. Slow-healing sores. Brownish discolouration or darkening of the …