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2962 results found
Health topics
… to choose from for your meals. Some hospitals have defined times when meals are delivered. In other hospitals, you can … can make it hard to sleep. And sleep is important to your healing process. This is why it's good to bring with you to … can make it hard to sleep. And sleep is important to your healing process. This is why it's good to bring with you to …
Health topics
… Other people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed, sometimes before these teeth have broken through the gums. What … you try to open your jaw. This is called trismus . Slow-healing gums. Damage to dental work, such as crowns or … you try to open your jaw. This is called trismus . Slow-healing gums. Damage to dental work, such as crowns or …
Health topics
… The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … up a rash. It's not unusual to change a diaper or brief 8 times in a 24-hour period. Use a superabsorbent disposable … oxide. Don't put the cream on broken skin. It can slow the healing process. If you use a disposable product, fold the …
Health topics
… breathe more easily. This reduces the stress on the baby's body while the lungs mature and heal on their own. Babies … to prevent RSV infection. An incubator to help control body temperature and protect the baby from germs. An apnea … breathe more easily. This reduces the stress on the baby's body while the lungs mature and heal on their own. Babies …
Health topics
… But they may include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, or a reaction to the anesthesia used in surgery. … But they may include infection, bleeding, poor wound healing, or a reaction to the anesthesia used in surgery. …
Health topics
… Maintenance Program Cardiac Rehabilitation: Monitoring Your Body's Response to Exercise Cardiac Rehabilitation: … Maintenance Program Cardiac Rehabilitation: Monitoring Your Body's Response to Exercise Cardiac Rehabilitation: …
Health topics
… from inside the mouth or through the skin of the face. Sometimes another problem inside the nose (such as a deviated … or a warm gel pack to your face for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. Breathe warm, moist air from a steamy shower, a … sinus surgeries. That means they don't happen more than 99 times out of 100. footnote 2 Surgery might not work. About …
Health topics
… need to limit sodium or fluid? Sodium Sodium causes your body to hold on to extra water. This may cause your heart … It may be restricted in advanced cases to maintain your body's electrolyte balance . Closely following your … watch for any signs of fluid gain (swelling or increase in body weight) and report them to your doctor. Heart Failure: …