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Health topics
… Doing Meditation Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind and Body Cause Insomnia is linked to many things. These include … It also can lead to injuries. Lack of sleep affects your body in other ways too. You may feel pain more easily. Your … Create a relaxing bedtime routine. It can help teach your body and mind that it is time to wind down. For example, …
Health topics
… Kidney stones may stay in the kidney or travel out of the body through the urinary tract . When moving through the … the kidney stone into small pieces that can pass from the body more easily than one large stone. Stone fragments … the kidney stone into small pieces that can pass from the body. You may receive a sedative or local anesthesia . You …
Health topics
… born. What causes it? Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use and store sugar. During pregnancy, the placenta … sugar. Gestational diabetes develops when the mother's body can't make enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels in … is a hormone made by the pancreas . Insulin helps your body use and store the sugar from the food you eat. This …
Health topics
… development. Adolescence is a time of change throughout the body. Growth spurts usually start around ages 11 to 13. A … average. These changes may cause distress for a child whose body doesn't match with their gender identity . Cognitive … happen. (These changes may cause distress for a child whose body doesn't match with their gender identity .) Offer some …
Health topics
… may be able to check your blood pressure, pulse, and other body functions through special tools connected to your … check your breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, or other body functions at home. The medical office staff can check … may be able to check your blood pressure, pulse, and other body functions through special tools connected to your …
Health topics
… lice can't live more than a day or two away from a human body. Pubic lice can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, but … around the genitals, anus, armpits, eyelashes, or other body parts with hair. But not everyone has itching. You may … lice can't live more than a day or two away from a human body. Pubic lice can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, but …
Health topics
… and the length of time the acid is in contact with the body. The damage is usually kept to the area of contact and … treated first by rinsing (flushing) the chemical off your body with a large amount of cool water, but not all … and the length of time the acid is in contact with the body. The damage is usually kept to the area of contact and …
Health topics
… Digestive conditions are problems that affect how your body digests food. Common examples include diverticular … Lactose intolerance Lactose intolerance occurs when the body does not make enough of the enzyme to break down …
Health topics
… wishes, for healthcare providers and others to follow. Your body has been carefully designed to deliver your baby … smoothly, without any medical interventions. Trust in your body to labour and give birth with the support of your …
Health topics
… in the first trimester Last updated August 11, 2013 Your body goes through lots of physical and emotional changes … Morning sickness Overview Some of the changes in your body will be obvious. For example, your periods will stop, … to you and your baby. Useful resources Pregnancy … Your body goes through lots of physical and emotional changes …