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Health topics
… femoral epiphysis occurs when the upper end of the thigh bone (femur) slips at the area where the bone is growing (growth plate or physis) and does not fit in … further slippage, restore the normal position of the bones, and reduce complications of the condition. This often …
Health topics
… developmental hip dysplasia. In DDH, the top of the thigh bone doesn't fit tightly into the hip socket. This problem … in the first year of life. In a normal hip, the thigh bone (femur) fits snugly into a cup-shaped socket in the … and other soft tissues aren't tight. This lets the thigh bone move around more than normal in the hip socket. In more …
Health topics
… canal in the neck. The spinal canal is the open area in the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spinal column . The … cause a "bulging of the discs"—the spongy discs between the bones of the spine bulge out farther than normal—or a thickening of tissues that connect bones (ligaments). Aging can also lead to destruction of …
Health topics
… replace the hip socket and the ball at the top of the thigh bone (femur). Doctors use metal, ceramic, or plastic replacement parts. The parts may be attached to the bones in one of three ways. They may be: Cemented to the bone. Uncemented. These parts have a porous coating that the …
Health topics
… back, known as the lumbar area. The spine is made up of bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord runs through an opening in the bones called the spinal canal. Sometimes bones and tissue grow into this canal and press on the …
Health topics
… can cause a lot of pain and can harm organs, muscles, and bones. How does it affect your body? Normal red blood cells … and chest pain. Severe infections. Aplastic crisis. The bone marrow stops producing red blood cells. This causes sudden, …
Health topics
… child's age. Consider how old your child is. His or her bones may still have a lot of growing to do. The decision to … surgery depends on the size and quality of your child's bones, the size of the joint replacement parts, the health … of growth remaining. Young children who still have a lot of bone growth remaining may lose some of their growth …
Health topics
… Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D Actionset Overview Bone thinning occurs as part of aging. After age 30, men and women begin to lose bone mass. If over time your bones thin so much that they become fragile and in danger of …
Health topics
… wires, or screws are attached to the curved part of the backbone, and the spine is straightened. Small pieces of bone, called grafts, are then put over the spine. Bone for grafts is sometimes taken from other parts of the …
Health topics
… with normal tissue, such as when a tumour presses on bones, nerves, or other organs. This may be done with … tumour invades or interferes with normal tissues, such as bones, nerves, or other organs. Side Effects Side effects … lasts for a few days. This is common with treatment for bone tumours. Side effects can be treated with pain …