482 results found
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… If it comes back in another part of the body—often the bones—it is still called prostate cancer because it started … urinate. Symptoms of metastatic prostate cancer may include bone pain, weight loss, or swelling in your legs and feet. … tests to see if the cancer has come back or spread include bone scans , PET-CT scans , and MRI scans . How is advanced …
Health topics
… treatment with steroid medicine will put you at risk for bone thinning (osteoporosis). This is because steroid … takes in calcium, which is important in building strong bones. Your doctor may recommend a bone density test to see if you need medicine to prevent …
Health topics
… relieve the pressure, your doctor may remove: Bony growths (bone spurs or osteophytes) and fibrous tissue that are … that pushes into the spinal canal. In some cases, after bone and disc material are removed, the affected bone ( vertebrae ) parts may be joined together ( spinal …
Health topics
… ("poor bite"). It restructures the jaw through cutting the bone and repositioning the bone segments. Adults who have jaw-related malocclusion are … general anesthesia. Recovery takes several weeks. While the bone slowly heals, the jaw is held in place with wires or …
Health topics
… pad. The pad will be placed (open end up) under the ankle bone to help keep fluid out of the hollow place under your ankle bone. Roll up the elastic bandage if it isn't already. Hold … arch in a figure-eight pattern. When you get to the ankle bone, wrap the bandage around the felt piece so it stays in …
Health topics
… the tooth that you can see to the roots that are in the jawbone. Damage caused by tooth decay is the most common reason … tooth socket after the extraction. The clot protects the bone during healing. If that blood clot gets loose or comes … of the socket, you may have a dry socket, which exposes the bone. A dry socket may last for several days and can cause …
Health topics
… as feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed. Muscle and bone weakness. This may cause backaches, broken bones (especially the ribs and spine), or loss of muscle … in protein and calcium. This can help prevent muscle and bone loss caused by high cortisol levels. Talk to your …
Health topics
… steroid medicine will put you at risk for problems such as bone thinning ( osteoporosis ). Your doctor may recommend … taking calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium can help prevent bone thinning. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium. … dancing, or weight lifting. This will help keep your bones strong and may also help your mood. Don't smoke, and …
Health topics
… Information Overview Impingement occurs when inflammation, bone spurs, or fluid buildup causes a rotator cuff tendon to be squeezed and rub against a bone. Every time you raise your arm above your head, the … shoulder muscle ( deltoid ) on the head of the upper arm bone. This can lead to further damage to the rotator cuff …
Health topics
… and movement enough. Subacromial smoothing involves shaving bone or removing growths on the upper point of the shoulder … the joint . The surgeon may also remove small amounts of bone from the underside of the acromion and the … tools are then inserted through the incision to shave the bone or remove growths. This type of surgery is more common …