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Health topics
… may include removing the ganglion fluid with a needle (aspiration), injecting the cyst with hydrocortisone , or … with surgery. The ganglion may return after treatment. Bone spurs (small, bony growths that form along a joint) are … present in the joint next to a mucous cyst. Removing the bone spurs may make it less likely that the cyst will …
Health topics
… Overview Aplastic crisis is a condition in which the bone marrow of someone with sickle cell disease suddenly stops … healthy blood from another person. After a few days, the bone marrow usually recovers on its own, and red blood cell …
Health topics
… life more. What causes it? Red blood cells are made by the bone marrow. To get the marrow to make red blood cells, the … they may not make enough EPO. Without enough EPO, the bone marrow does not make enough red blood cells, and you …
Health topics
… It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Vacuum aspiration uses gentle suction to empty the uterus after a … stays in the uterus. You may have manual or electric vacuum aspiration. With manual vacuum, the doctor uses a specially … These feelings can last awhile. What To Expect Vacuum aspiration is a minor medical procedure. A normal recovery …
Health topics
… which covers the tendon (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with … or other symptoms, limits what you can do, affects your bones or ligaments, or gets infected. You may also want … splint to wear. Draining fluid from the bump with a needle (aspiration). Injecting hydrocortisone into the joint. Doing …
Health topics
… Fluid can also be removed from a hydrocele with a needle (aspiration). But hydroceles that are aspirated often return, and surgery may then be needed. Aspiration is recommended only for men who are not … Fluid can also be removed from a hydrocele with a needle (aspiration). But hydroceles that are aspirated often return, …
Health topics
… spread to almost any part of the body, including the liver, bone marrow, and spleen. NHL may be classified as: Slow-growing … time, lymphoma cells may replace the normal cells in the bone marrow. When bone marrow fails, your body can't produce …
Health topics
… from the cancer itself can happen when: A tumour presses on bones, nerves, or organs. A tumour presses on the spinal … and other side effects. Some medical tests, such as bone marrow aspiration, may cause pain too. Different Kinds of Pain The …
Health topics
… Hands. Face. Tissues to donate include: Corneas. Skin. Bone. Blood vessels. Connective tissues, such as tendons, … Heart valves. Middle ear. Blood products include: Bone marrow. Stem cells. Living Organ …
Health topics
… to build up in certain cells of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Mucolipidosis IV. This problem causes the nervous … to build up in cells of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. Tay-Sachs disease. This disease causes a type …