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973 results found
Health topics
… palate is treated with surgery, it can cause problems with feeding, speech, and hearing. What causes it? Doctors aren't … that is easy to see. A baby with a cleft palate often has feeding problems, because he or she isn't able to suck and … surgery, your baby may need treatment for breathing or feeding problems. Your baby may also wear a mouth support …
Health topics
… But hypothermia can occur indoors, especially in babies and older or ill adults who are not dressed warmly … environment, using warm blankets, heaters, and hot water bottles. Moderate to severe hypothermia generally is treated … environment, using warm blankets, heaters, and hot water bottles. Moderate to severe hypothermia generally is treated …
Health topics
… Medicine Use While Breastfeeding On this page: Overview Overview … any prescription or over-the-counter medicines while breastfeeding. That's because some medicines can affect your … that you do not take codeine or tramadol while breastfeeding. They can harm your baby. Read the label on pain …
Health topics
… first few days after birth. When you have a regular breastfeeding routine but can't nurse or pump as much as usual. If you suddenly stop breastfeeding. When your baby suddenly starts breastfeeding less than usual. This may happen when your baby is …
Health topics
… Keep the anus clean by wiping carefully or using a squirt bottle after each bowel movement. Gently wipe from the front … Keep the anus clean by wiping carefully or using a squirt bottle after each bowel movement. Gently wipe from the front …
Health topics
… for 20 minutes, and repeat as needed. You can use hot water bottles. Or make hot packs from towels dipped in warm water … for 15 to 30 seconds. Always make sure that hot water bottles and hot packs aren't too hot for your child's skin. Keep a cloth between the hot water bottle and your child's skin. Don't use heat if your child's …
Health topics
… a dose. Be sure to leave at least one pill in the original bottle. That way, if you forget what a pill is for, you can find it in the bottle it came from. A few medicines must be stored in their … a dose. Be sure to leave at least one pill in the original bottle. That way, if you forget what a pill is for, you can …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding Positions On this page: Overview Overview Breastfeeding in the proper position will help your baby latch on … . It also works well for breastfeeding twins or for babies who have trouble taking enough of the areola (the …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs On this page: Overview Overview If you are breastfeeding, many things that you eat, drink, or take into your … your milk production. It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at increased …
Health topics
… longer made with lead. But older homes may still have it. Babies often like to eat paint chips or chew on painted … bands, and balloons. Never put your baby to bed with a bottle. Your baby could choke if the fluid "goes down the … bands, and balloons. Never put your baby to bed with a bottle. Your baby could choke if the fluid "goes down the …