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957 results found
Health topics
… (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with ganglions notice that the bumps … (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with ganglions notice that the bumps …
Health topics
… as asthma attacks. It can also cause diseases, such as lung cancer. Pollutants include smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, … as asthma attacks. It can also cause diseases, such as lung cancer. Pollutants include smoke, pet dander, radon , mould, …
Health topics
… of pregnancy. But some women never have this problem. Your breasts will get larger and may feel tender. Throughout your … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Breastfeeding: Planning Ahead Fitness: Walking for Wellness … early detection and treatment to prevent newborn infection. Cancer treatment during pregnancy is delayed whenever …
Health topics
… meals at home. Think salad greens paired with tuna, turkey breast, or poached chicken. Or a soup made with low-sodium … meals at home. Think salad greens paired with tuna, turkey breast, or poached chicken. Or a soup made with low-sodium …
Health topics
… you are pregnant. Signs of early pregnancy include fatigue, breast tenderness or enlargement, nausea or vomiting, and … you are pregnant. Signs of early pregnancy include fatigue, breast tenderness or enlargement, nausea or vomiting, and …
Health topics
… Hospital Policies and Breastfeeding On this page: Overview … baby. Before it's time for you to give birth, ask about the breastfeeding policies at your hospital or birthing centre. … to have your baby in the room with you. It can allow you to breastfeed more often. Supplemental feedings. Tell the staff …
Health topics
… belly, your buttocks, or your upper body, but not on the breasts. Wear each patch continuously until you replace it … belly, your buttocks, or your upper body, but not on the breasts. Wear each patch continuously until you replace it …
Health topics
… including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV … including the ones that cause 70 to 90% of anal and genital cancers and 90% of genital warts.  In Canada, HPV …
Health topics
… Being diagnosed with a serious physical illness, such as cancer or heart disease, or a new physical disability. … Being diagnosed with a serious physical illness, such as cancer or heart disease, or a new physical disability. …
Health topics
… system . Have chronic health problems such as diabetes, cancer, or liver or kidney disease. Have cuts in your skin, … system . Have chronic health problems such as diabetes, cancer, or liver or kidney disease. Have cuts in your skin, …