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1919 results found
Health topics
… screening is easy. A few drops of blood are taken from your baby's heel and put onto a special card. Your baby may cry, … isn't harmful. You can help by holding your baby close and breastfeeding while the sample is taken. It normally happens …
Health topics
… within a week or two without causing problems. But jaundice should be taken seriously. In rare cases, if the bilirubin … your baby's body get rid of the extra bilirubin. If you are breastfeeding, feed your baby about 8 to 12 times every 24 …
Health topics
… can evaluate your baby, it is usually not advisable to stop breastfeeding or switch formula as a means to remedy … lying on their backs. Until the first birthday, babies should always sleep on their backs to reduce the risk for …
Health topics
… You are most likely to notice these pains when you breastfeed. Breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which causes … are most likely to notice these pains when you breastfeed. Breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, which causes …
Health topics
baby onto the breast correctly is important for successful breastfeeding. Having your baby skin-to-skin with you is the … is well latched: Image The initial latch may hurt but you shouldn't feel pain in the nipple area. You should feel a …
Health topics
… and encounter new experiences such as the arrival of a new baby or entering child care. You will also find information … Feeding your toddler Eating Well English | Chinese | French Breastfeeding or Chestfeeding Your Toddler English | Chinese …
Health topics
… or cause symptoms. But if you pass the bacteria to your baby during the birth, it can cause serious health problems … B strep, your baby will get antibiotics. If you plan to breastfeed your baby, don't worry. It will be safe to breastfeed. Cerebral Palsy Pregnancy …
Health topics
… and citalopram (Celexa) are not often used during breastfeeding, because they can pass into breast milk in … during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. But not treating depression can …
Health topics
… enough to eat. This is especially a common concern among breastfeeding parents. As long as your baby feeds regularly … then every 2 to 4 hours over the next few weeks), your baby should be fine. Sometimes you may need to wake a sleepy baby
Health topics
… you have a chronic health problem, ask your doctor if you should take extra precautions. The more of these things you … pregnant, or are planning a pregnancy, or if you are breastfeeding. Getting the vaccine during pregnancy can help …