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Health topics
… adults. How well the DPI works may depend on how well you breathe in. Your doctor decides the amount of medicine you use based on how much air you can breathe in. It also may be different from the amount used in … an asthma attack . That's because you need to be able to breathe well to get the best effect. Nebulizer This device …
Health topics
… lasted longer. Every day it got a little bit harder to breathe. One day she found she couldn't walk up the basement stairs without having to stop and catch her breath. And then she began coughing and couldn't stop. "It was scary," she says. "I'd try to take a breath, but I'd cough instead. I was coughing up all this …
Health topics
… drowning? Drowning happens when a person is underwater and breathes water into the lungs. A drowning that doesn't … is often called a non-fatal drowning . When your child breathed water into his or her lungs, the lungs were no … These include oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. Non-fatal drowning can …
Health topics
… that it does not interfere with your physical activities. Breathing When you arrive on the cardiac recovery floor, you … may be painful, it is important that you try to take deep breaths. Taking deep breaths is the only way to use your lungs to full capacity. …
Health topics
… opioid. Taking too much of an opioid can slow or stop your breathing. This is an emergency. If naloxone is given soon … much of an opioid if they have: Slow, shallow, or stopped breathing. Pinpoint pupils. Blue or purple lips or … wears off, the opioid may still be present and can cause breathing to slow down again. That means the overdose may …
Health topics
… a chronic disease like asthma. Wearing a mask won't cause breathing problems. Some people are concerned that wearing a mask could cause breathing problems by raising their carbon dioxide (CO2) … workers, have always worn masks for hours a day without any breathing problems. Tips for making it easier to wear a mask …
Health topics
… Examples are wood dust, plastics, and certain chemicals. Breathing in these substances can irritate your lungs or … What causes it? Occupational asthma happens when a person breathes in certain substances in the workplace. There are … ventilation in your work area. Or you might wear a type of breathing mask called a respirator. Taking medicines to …
Health topics
… are present, you may cough, wheeze, or feel short of breath, or your chest may feel tight. Or your asthma may … more of these things may be true: You may be very short of breath. You can't do your usual activities. You use your chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, above, and under the ribs …
Health topics
… Sepsis causes varied symptoms. Symptoms may include breathing problems, a fast heartbeat, chills, cool clammy … track vital signs, including temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. You'll get fluids through an … in the ICU can support your body. That includes your breathing, circulation, fluids, and help for organs like the …
Health topics
… severe asthma symptoms. Symptoms include: Any shortness of breath while walking, talking, or at rest. Use of the chest muscles to breathe. The skin between, above, and under the ribs collapses inward with each breath (retractions). Wheezing. But if symptoms are very …