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Health topics
… death. What are the symptoms? Symptoms include shortness of breath and swelling in the legs. You may also feel very … chest pain, a rapid heart rate, a cough, and trouble breathing when you lie down. How is it diagnosed? Your … have swelling in your legs, feel very tired, have trouble breathing, or have other symptoms, tell your doctor right …
Health topics
… For example, you may feel less tired or less out of breath. Feel stronger and have more energy. Improve your … You should be able to talk easily without being out of breath. If you notice that you're out of breath, have chest pain, or don't feel right, stop …
Health topics
… person to person. When a person infected with strep throat breathes, coughs, or sneezes, tiny droplets with the strep bacteria go into the air and are breathed in by other people. If you come into contact with … for cleaning the machine. Stop smoking, and avoid breathing others' smoke. Smoke irritates the throat tissues …
Health topics
… an animal. Are licked, scratched, or bitten by an animal. Breathe in dust that carries disease from an animal, as in a … gloves and a spray disinfectant. Avoid stirring up and breathing in dust. When you can, avoid contact with things … choriomeningitis (LCMV) and toxoplasmosis . Do not clean or breathe dust from cat litter boxes, rodent or bird cages, or …
Health topics
… includes living with or caring for a person who has SARS or breathing in air that an infected person exhaled. But under … The main symptoms are a fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. A person with SARS also may experience a …
Health topics
… and the pancreas . People who have CF can have serious breathing problems and lung disease. What causes it? CF is … in a baby who has CF include a blocked small intestine, breathing problems, not growing or gaining weight even with … growing or gaining weight the way that other children do. Breathing problems, lung infections, a cough that does not …
Health topics
… A device is implanted in the upper chest. It senses the breathing pattern and mildly stimulates the airway muscles … sleep apnea? Sleep apnea occurs when you often stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer during sleep. This may … to use—or cannot use—CPAP to treat your sleep apnea. Oral breathing devices or other types of devices that you wear …
Health topics
… gas ranges. These can produce smoke or gases that can cause breathing problems. Unsafe drinking water. For example, … such as smoke from the burning end of a cigarette or smoke breathed out by someone who smokes. Radon. This is a type of … smoke contains nicotine and many other harmful chemicals. Breathing second-hand smoke can cause or worsen health …
Health topics
… not be able to expand completely. This can make it hard to breathe. Most pleural effusions don't become infected. But … any symptoms. When symptoms occur, they may include trouble breathing, chest pain, fever, or a cough. How is it … not be able to expand completely. This can make it hard to breathe. Most pleural effusions don't become infected. But …
Health topics
… Go for a walk, a bike ride, or a swim. Relax. Try deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Take a hot bath or shower. … the negative effects of tobacco use, such as shortness of breath, harm to your family, and yellow teeth. Remind … Go for a walk, a bike ride, or a swim. Relax. Try deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Take a hot bath or shower. …