3921 results found
Health topics
… Tennis Elbow: Stretches and Strengthening Exercises On this page: Overview … other health professional for stretching and strengthening exercises. Stretching exercises are controlled stretches … elbow. Consult a sports trainer or physiotherapist before using a rowing ergometer. Improper form can cause back or …
Health topics
… Spinal Cord Injury: Sensual Exercises On this page: Overview Overview Sensual exercises may help you enjoy sexual intimacy and find … still work. Or maybe they no longer do. Doing sensual exercises with your partner may help you relax and focus …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… you to smoke. You may find it easier to decide to quit using tobacco if you find healthy alternatives that replace … you to smoke. You may find it easier to decide to quit using tobacco if you find healthy alternatives that replace …
Health topics
Health topics
… the lowest, safest levels of the drug in breast milk. Avoid using long-acting forms of over-the-counter medicines. … the lowest, safest levels of the drug in breast milk. Avoid using long-acting forms of over-the-counter medicines. …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… such as biking, slow swimming, or chores that get you breathing harder. Walking is a great fitness activity that … activity a regular part of your day. Make a habit of using stairs, not elevators, and walking to do errands near … such as biking, slow swimming, or chores that get you breathing harder. Walking is a great fitness activity that …