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3917 results found
Health topics
… Sometimes, though, coughs are severe enough to impair breathing or prevent rest. Here are some things you can do … out which type of face mask will help most. Think about using cough medicine, which may help your cough. Avoid cold … caution if you are older than 60 or if you have chronic breathing problems. Keep them out of the reach of children …
Health topics
… check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… chest, arms, and legs. Cervical injuries can also affect breathing and bowel and bladder control. Thoracic. The chest … the legs. Injuries to the upper thoracic area can affect breathing. Thoracic injuries can also affect bowel and … chest, arms, and legs. Cervical injuries can also affect breathing and bowel and bladder control. Thoracic. The chest …
Health topics
… of a mild reaction, plus: Severe dizziness. Trouble breathing. A rapid or weak pulse. Loss of consciousness. … and then get raised bumps on your skin, have trouble breathing, or have other symptoms of anaphylaxis, call 9-1-1 … of a mild reaction, plus: Severe dizziness. Trouble breathing. A rapid or weak pulse. Loss of consciousness. …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Maybe you started using tobacco to fit in with your friends. Maybe family … members smoke or chew. Whatever the reason you started using tobacco, there are lots of reasons to stop. You'll … how we develop our content . … Overview Maybe you started using tobacco to fit in with your friends. Maybe family …
Health topics
… is full. Have a hard time swallowing. Have a hard time breathing. Feel nervous, have a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot, … If a thyroid nodule is not cancer (is benign) and is not causing problems, your doctor will watch it closely for … the nodule is large or causing problems with swallowing or breathing, you'll need surgery to remove it. If the nodule …
Health topics
… emergency include headache, chest pain, trouble breathing, numbness, blurry vision, and confusion. What … having symptoms that suggest that your blood pressure is causing a serious heart or blood vessel problem. Your blood … emergency include headache, chest pain, trouble breathing, numbness, blurry vision, and confusion. What …
Health topics
… Swelling of the face, tongue, mouth, or throat. Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or asthma. Abdominal (belly) pain. … Swelling of the face, tongue, mouth, or throat. Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or asthma. Abdominal (belly) pain. …
Health topics