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… without symptoms. Syphilis can move to the late stage, causing problems. Antibiotics can't undo damage, but they can … when to have testing done. Learn more Handwashing Safer Sex Using Antibiotics Wisely Chlamydia … without symptoms. Syphilis can move to the late stage, causing problems. Antibiotics can't undo damage, but they can …
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… chromosomes. But diagnostic tests have a small risk of causing a miscarriage . The Society of Obstetricians and … you to have a diagnostic test, which has a small risk of causing a miscarriage. But most women have normal test … chromosomes. But diagnostic tests have a small risk of causing a miscarriage . The Society of Obstetricians and …
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… likely examine your baby's mouth to find out if thrush is causing your symptoms. Watchful waiting If you have been … likely examine your baby's mouth to find out if thrush is causing your symptoms. Watchful waiting If you have been …
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… to see properly. In other cases, your doctor may recommend using reading glasses in combination with contact lenses … to see properly. In other cases, your doctor may recommend using reading glasses in combination with contact lenses …
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