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3921 results found
Health topics
… as an MRI, to help rule out other diseases that could be causing your symptoms. How is Parkinson's disease treated? At … brain work better. Speech therapy. Speech therapists use breathing and speech exercises to help you overcome speech problems like the soft …
Health topics
… "track," and do "laps." The Internet is full of advice for exercises you can do in your hotel room, for beginners as … "track," and do "laps." The Internet is full of advice for exercises you can do in your hotel room, for beginners as …
Health topics
… a paper towel when you turn off the faucet. Dry your hands using a clean towel, or air-dry them. slide 5 of 5 < Prev … a paper towel when you turn off the faucet. Dry your hands using a clean towel, or air-dry them., Good hand hygiene is … a paper towel when you turn off the faucet. Dry your hands using a clean towel, or air-dry them. slide 5 of 5 < Prev …
Health topics
… training, habit training, biofeedback, and pelvic muscle exercises . People who have incontinence due to physical or … biofeedback methods along with pelvic floor exercises. During biofeedback, bladder, rectal sphincter, … methods may be used to treat: Urge incontinence (using bladder training). Stress and urge incontinence (using
Health topics
… Chest pain. A fast or pounding heartbeat. Difficulty breathing. Dizziness, shaking, or trembling. Stomach pain or … memories cause you to feel stress. You may do "exposure" exercises in which you focus on stressful memories until you … Chest pain. A fast or pounding heartbeat. Difficulty breathing. Dizziness, shaking, or trembling. Stomach pain or …
Health topics
… drugs Get enough sleep Take a break Ask for help Try deep breathing - sit tall and comfortably, breath in slowly …
Health topics
… can choose activities that are a fit for you, like doing exercises in the water or as part of a cardiac rehab … a week. Strengthen the major muscle groups with 8 to 10 exercises a day, at least 2 days a week. Do moderate to … can choose activities that are a fit for you, like doing exercises in the water or as part of a cardiac rehab …
Health topics
… watch television, get up and change the channels instead of using the remote control. When you choose an exercise … . If you have arthritis or another joint disease, exercises that are not weight-bearing may be easier and less … . If you have arthritis or another joint disease, exercises that are not weight-bearing may be easier and less …
Health topics
… happen, how severe they are, and what you think may be causing them. Share this with your doctor. … happen, how severe they are, and what you think may be causing them. Share this with your doctor. …
Health topics
… may have blood tests to find out if another problem is causing your slow heart rate. How is bradycardia treated? How bradycardia is treated depends on what is causing it. Treatment also depends on the symptoms. If … such as hypothyroidism or an electrolyte imbalance, is causing a slow heart rate, treating that problem may cure the …