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3921 results found
Health topics
… Remission means having an A1c of 6.5% or lower without using diabetes medicine for at least 3 months. footnote 1 … tennis or team sports. Try to do muscle-strengthening exercises 2 times a week and aim for 3 times a week. Take … tennis or team sports. Try to do muscle-strengthening exercises 2 times a week and aim for 3 times a week. Take …
Health topics
… anesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, and severe headache. Breathing problems in the baby if it was delivered before … intensive care unit (NICU). footnote 6 Immature lungs and breathing problems, if the due date has been miscalculated … anything heavier than your baby. Do not do sit-ups or other exercises that strain the belly muscles for 6 weeks or until …
Health topics
… for a healthy start. How can you quit? Having a plan and using medicines can help you quit. A quit plan helps you … tobacco to try to manage their weight. Teens may think that using tobacco is a way to look more mature, independent, and … Canada has approved several medicines to help people quit using tobacco. The medicines that doctors most often suggest …
Health topics
… as you get stronger. You will likely do several different exercises that work the major muscle groups. Examples … as you get stronger. You will likely do several different exercises that work the major muscle groups. Examples …
Health topics
… that don't stress the affected area. Don't restart a pain-causing activity as soon as your pain stops. Tendons require … pain in order to keep overusing a joint. Do range-of-motion exercises each day. Gently move your joint through its full … joint. As the pain goes away, keep doing range-of-motion exercises , and add other exercises to strengthen the …
Health topics
… need emergency care. For example, call if: You have trouble breathing. You vomit blood or what looks like coffee … the cause of your cirrhosis and what other problems it is causing. Treatment can't cure cirrhosis. But it can sometimes … need emergency care. For example, call if: You have trouble breathing. You vomit blood or what looks like coffee …
Health topics
… Having a support person, trying different positions, or using breathing exercises may help you cope with labour pain. You also can …