3921 results found
Health topics
… This includes taking over-the-counter pain medicines, using heat or ice, and doing suggested exercises. Some people take part in physiotherapy or … and using heat or ice if they make you feel better. Doing exercises that your doctor or physiotherapist suggests. …
Health topics
… meals so low-calorie that your child can't feel full. Avoid using food as a reward, whether for an achievement or for … weighing your child every day. Think about not even using the bathroom scale. Move more . Make fun physical … meals so low-calorie that your child can't feel full. Avoid using food as a reward, whether for an achievement or for …
Health topics
… as quitting smoking or drinking less alcohol. Doing sensual exercises may also help. FAQs What is an erection problem? … (Levitra). These medicines work well no matter what is causing the erection problem. footnote 1 These medicines … partner about your erection problems. Practice some sensual exercises with your partner, if you have one. If these …
Health topics
… Your physiotherapist will get you started and teach you exercises. Then you will do them on your own. Rehab often … things that put a lot of stress on the joint. Learn more Using Cold and Heat Therapies Why It Is Done A partial hip … Your physiotherapist will get you started and teach you exercises. Then you will do them on your own. Rehab often …
Health topics
… Diabetes Causes Foot Problems Insulin Resistance Insulin: Reusing Syringes and Lancets Safely Jerry's Story: Take … Emergencies Diabetes: Taking Care of Your Feet Diabetes: Using Canada's Food Guide Gestational Diabetes: Checking … Diabetes Causes Foot Problems Insulin Resistance Insulin: Reusing Syringes and Lancets Safely Jerry's Story: Take …
Health topics
… hypercortisolism. What causes it? The most common cause is using corticosteroid medicines , such as prednisone, for a … find out from these examinations if steroid medicine is causing the problem. If you don't take steroid medicine or your doctor thinks something other than medicine is causing your symptoms, you may have tests, such as: Tests to …
Health topics
… most. Apply heat 2 or 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes, using a heating pad, hot shower, or hot pack. Heat seems to … and stiffness related to inactivity of a joint. If you are using an electric heating pad, avoid falling asleep while … most. Apply heat 2 or 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes, using a heating pad, hot shower, or hot pack. Heat seems to …
Health topics
… joints mobile. Try: yoga, tai chi, dancing and stretching exercises. Your biggest challenge may be getting started . …
Health topics
… to a colleague, walk to that person's office rather than using email or the phone. Use your lunch hour for a workout: … to a colleague, walk to that person's office rather than using email or the phone. Use your lunch hour for a workout: …
Health topics
… past the sphincter. How is it treated? Pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels) are one way to treat stress incontinence in men. These exercises can help strengthen some of the muscles that … past the sphincter. How is it treated? Pelvic floor muscle exercises (Kegels) are one way to treat stress incontinence …