3918 results found
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Health topics
… This is called internal radiation. Or it may be given by using a machine outside the body. This is called external … stress. Massage and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help you relax. Talk with your doctor about any …
Health topics
Health topics
… means that damaged tissue in the newborn's lungs is causing breathing and health problems. The lungs trap air or … respiratory distress syndrome . But a ventilator's forced breathing and high oxygen levels can damage a baby's lungs. …
Health topics
Health topics
… prescribed for you. Do gentle stretching and strengthening exercises. Focus on calf stretches. Don't smoke or use other … Drugs (NSAIDs) Orthotics for Foot Problems Quitting Smoking Using Cold and Heat Therapies Surgery Surgery is often used … have surgery. Rehab may include: Stretching and flexibility exercises. These help your tendon heal without shortening …
Health topics
… an ACL injury treated? Treatment for an ACL injury includes using first aid right away. For example, put ice on the … need to use crutches or a knee immobilizer. You will have exercises and training (rehab) or surgery. If you have … an active role in managing a health condition. ACL Injury: Exercises to Do Before Treatment Cause You can tear your ACL …
Health topics
Health topics
… do at home to improve your body strength and balance. These exercises promote upper and lower body strength and …
Health topics
… immediately if your child with CP: Is having problems breathing . Chokes during feeding and you can't dislodge the … physiotherapy with your doctor. It can include special exercises and devices, which can help keep your child moving … money, knowing when and where to seek medical care, and using public transportation. Talk to your teen about …