3918 results found
Health topics
… Croup: Managing a Croup Attack Actionset Overview Using techniques to help your child control symptoms of … focus on keeping your child's airway open to make breathing easier. Keep calm and soothe your child. Anxiety … of croup: Keep calm. An episode of severe coughing and breathing difficulty from croup can be unsettling or …
Health topics
… tool in preventing problems like very low blood sugar. But using an insulin pump takes some getting used to. Depending … tool in preventing problems like very low blood sugar. But using an insulin pump takes some getting used to. Depending …
Health topics
… program that will probably include physiotherapy and home exercises. FAQs What is a meniscus tear? A meniscus tear is … treatment options. When possible, meniscus surgery is done using arthroscopy instead of open surgery. During … rehab program probably will include physiotherapy and home exercises. Why might your doctor recommend surgery? Your …
Health topics
… activity or exercise. Physiotherapy. This includes specific exercises that can help you stretch and strengthen your … will start physiotherapy right away. You will do special exercises and may need crutches for several weeks. It … You will need several weeks of physiotherapy, including exercises you can do at home. It usually takes people 2 to 3 …
Health topics
… Very small (pinpoint) pupils in their eyes. Slow or shallow breathing, or not breathing. Gurgling or choking noises. Cold, clammy skin. … If you do use alone, ask someone to check on you. If you're using in a group, take turns. Get one person to stay alert …
Health topics
… Surgery. You may have surgery to remove tumours that are causing symptoms. Medicines. For example, corticosteroids may … stress. Massage and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help you relax. Talk with your doctor about any …
Health topics
… even if you use it on its own, it is still better than not using any birth control. In the first year of use: When … Use it to insert the spermicide right before sex. If you're using film or suppositories, wait at least 15 minutes before … and sexual health clinics. What are the advantages of using spermicide for birth control? Spermicide doesn't use …
Health topics
… method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a cervical cap for birth control? The cervical cap … don't have to interrupt sex. What are the disadvantages of using a cervical cap for birth control? Cervical caps are … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a cervical cap for birth control? The cervical cap …
Health topics
… method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a diaphragm for birth control? The diaphragm doesn't … felt by you or your partner. What are the disadvantages of using a diaphragm for birth control? Diaphragms are not … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a diaphragm for birth control? The diaphragm doesn't …
Health topics
… method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using the sponge for birth control? The sponge is available … don't have to interrupt sex. What are the disadvantages of using the sponge for birth control? The sponge doesn't … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using the sponge for birth control? The sponge is available …