3927 results found
Health topics
… fraction).Your doctor also will consider other health problems you may have. The shock from an ICD hurts briefly. … or too slow. There are several risks to getting an ICD. Problems can happen during and soon after the surgery to … heart rhythm, it may try to slow the rhythm back to normal using electrical pulses. If the dangerous rhythm does not …
Health topics
… bladder. UTIs in older men are often related to prostate problems. Having an enlarged prostate can limit the body's … sex. Urinate immediately after sexual intercourse. Avoid using condoms coated with spermicide or a diaphragm for … back. You may also need more tests if the UTI causes other problems or if your kidneys are infected. You may get tests …
Health topics
… hernias usually do not cause a health problem. Rare problems include part of the intestine getting trapped in … hernia doesn't hurt. A hernia poses no risks except if rare problems occur, such as part of the intestine getting … that is not closing on its own. Your child avoids rare problems, such as part of the intestine getting trapped in …
Health topics
… or trouble understanding simple statements. Sudden problems with walking or balance. A sudden, severe headache … weight. Lose weight if you need to. Manage other health problems, such as diabetes. If you think you may have a … your risk of a stroke. But they also have a risk of serious problems. You and your doctor can decide together if you …
Health topics
… you again. In rare cases, concussions cause more serious problems. Repeated concussions or a severe concussion may lead to long-lasting problems with movement, learning, or speaking. Because of … exercise, schoolwork, video games, text messaging, or using the computer). You may need to change your school or …
Health topics
… further slippage and helps reduce pain. After surgery, using crutches reduces pain and helps keep the hip stable … adolescents, ages 10 to 16 years. Groin Problems and Injuries Hip Problems, Age 11 and Younger Hip Problems, Age 12 and Older …
Health topics
… What causes abdominal gas in babies? Some people have problems digesting milk protein or milk sugar (lactose intolerance). But these problems are very rare in babies. Until your doctor can … formula as a means to remedy suspected food digestion problems. Causes of gas include: Swallowing air when …
Health topics
… pain and then an abscess . This may lead to more severe problems, such as bone loss. How Well It Works A filling … in having a cavity filled. If you have certain heart problems, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics before a … pain and then an abscess . This may lead to more severe problems, such as bone loss. How Well It Works A filling …
Health topics
… ( ophthalmologist ) who has special training in treating problems of the retina. During surgery, the doctor uses … the vitreous gel. Then the doctor may treat other eye problems, such as a retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, … the macula or your central vision . Risks Possible serious problems after this surgery include: Cataracts . High …
Health topics
… when bleeding most often occurs. Mild hemophilia. Bleeding problems might not be noticed unless there is a lot of … a major injury or surgery. Moderate hemophilia. Bleeding problems are common and often follow a fall, sprain or strain. Severe hemophilia. Bleeding problems often happen one or more times a week for no …