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Health topics
… bladder. UTIs in older men are often related to prostate problems. Having an enlarged prostate can limit the body's … Pain in the flank . This is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back. … Pain in the flank , which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back, …
Health topics
… cough. Wrap both arms around your belly, just below the rib cage. Lean back if you can. Take a deep breath and hold it. … cough. Wrap both arms around your belly, just below the rib cage. Lean back if you can. Take a deep breath and hold it. …
Health topics
… can help if your enlarged prostate is causing serious problems—such as kidney problems or repeated urinary tract … for a few moments and try to go again. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They make your body try to get rid of water and can … for a few moments and try to go again. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They make your body try to get rid of water and can …
Health topics
… Overview People who have substance use disorder keep using alcohol or other substances even though it causes harm to … prescription or over-the-counter medicines, drink too much alcohol, or mix alcohol and medicines. Doing any of these can cause serious health problems and problems with money and the law. It also can …
Health topics
… gives one quick, firm push up and in, under your rib cage. It may take practice to coordinate your cough with the … gives one quick, firm push up and in, under your rib cage. It may take practice to coordinate your cough with the …
Health topics
… stones and other things that block the flow of urine. Problems with the structure or the function of the urinary … bad. Pain in the flank . This is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back. … urine. Pain in the flank , which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back. …
Health topics
… muscle doesn't get enough blood. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack . It can be a shock to find … weight, lowering your stress level, and limiting how much alcohol you drink. A cardiac rehab program can help you make … Your family and friends can also give you support. Drink alcohol in moderation , if you drink. Ask your doctor how …
Health topics
… your child uncomfortable, but they rarely cause serious problems. There is no medical evidence that fevers from … Low body temperature may occur from cold exposure, shock , alcohol or drug use, or certain metabolic disorders, such as … flank, which is either side of the back just below the rib cage Abdominal infection : Belly pain Many prescription and …
Health topics
… Others develop more slowly. Why do speech and language problems develop in some children? Speech and language … loss. Assess speech and language developmental progress. Questionnaires and evaluations by a speech-language … loss. Assess speech and language developmental progress. Questionnaires and evaluations by a speech-language …
Health topics
… your pregnancy, you'll have tests to watch for certain problems that could occur. With all the tests you'll have, … pressure checked. It's important to avoid tobacco smoke, alcohol and drugs, chemicals, and radiation (like X-rays). … difficulty, since your uterus is now just below your rib cage, and your lungs have less room to expand. Mild swelling …