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Health topics
… pregnancy concerns: High-risk pregnancy Pregnancy-related problems Special health concerns during pregnancy … all of the tissue is removed. This tissue can cause serious problems in some people. Molar pregnancy Reproductive … Functional ovarian cysts Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Problems with placenta Some people may experience …
Health topics
… arm and shoulder muscles, which provide support to the rib cage. They help in daily tasks such as carrying groceries … arm and shoulder muscles, which provide support to the rib cage. They help in daily tasks such as carrying groceries …
Health topics
… severe pain in the flank, which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist, usually on only one side of the … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Kidney Stones: Should I Have Lithotripsy to Break … severe pain in the flank, which is felt just below the rib cage and above the waist, usually on only one side of the …
Health topics
… an open resection during the surgery. How It Is Done Colon problems slide 1 of 5 < Prev      Next > slide 1 of 5, Colon problems, A partial colectomy is surgery to remove part of … intestine (colon). This surgery is often needed for health problems such as diverticulitis, cancer, Crohn's disease, or …
Health topics
… poultry, and milk and milk products. Should you limit alcohol? Talk to your doctor about how much alcohol, if any, is safe for you. Alcohol consumption can make high blood pressure worse and …
Health topics
… in a higher power, such as the 12-step program used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). … include group therapy, one-on-one counselling , drug and alcohol education, medical care, and family therapy . Your … it didn't work. You have other physical or mental health problems. Your home situation makes it hard to stay away …
Health topics
… Older adults are more likely to have long-term medical problems, such as diabetes or arthritis, which can lead to … Lifestyle choices. These may include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs. Social factors. These may … Lifestyle choices. These may include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs. Social factors. These may …
Health topics
… peripheral neuropathy. It is often caused by other health problems. It can also run in families. The most common cause … in the blood that damage nerves. Vitamin deficiencies and alcohol use disorder. Not getting enough nutrients, such as vitamin B-12, can damage nerves. Overuse of alcohol and not eating a healthy diet can lead to these …
Health topics
… together. Use condoms in the meantime. Don't drink a lot of alcohol or use illegal drugs before sex. You might let down … you still need to practice safer sex to keep your risk low. Alcohol and drugs If you use alcohol or drugs, be very … strong. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent some of the problems, such as high cholesterol, that can be caused by …
Health topics
… Teen Substance Use Actionset Overview If your teen is using alcohol, tobacco, or other substances, take it seriously. … for signs Sometimes it's hard to tell if a teen is using alcohol or drugs. Experts recommend that parents look for a … not only about drug and alcohol use but about other problems that may be going on. For example, there may be …